Emote Radial

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To have your character preform emotive actions, or to do dice rolls, either for other players to see, or just to the DM channel, go in your character's radial menu, and click on the bioware crafting option.

The emote radial allows players to do standard and non-standard emotes, make skill checks, saving throws and other dice rolls, save their character, and create placeables that aid in role playing.

If you go to your radial menu and press your Crafting Skills button, a dialogue will appear with all of the emote wand functions.. and maybe a few more.

Can be added to a quick slot


New Emote Radial Menu

Emoting, etc.

Emote wand without the casting move?

Do we need our emote wands any more?

Emote Wand/Talus, etc.

Emote Wand: Plot or Not?

CoPaP : Common Emote system