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Above the Keep - By Lorelai Silvermoon Volume 10

Two silver dragons stand proudly in silence, waiting patiently as the cluster of riders near them atop the battlements of the Keep speak with one another in the cool air of the early morning. The glittering rays of the rising sun dance off the dragons scales - silvery sparkles highlighted by the glint of soft golden light.

Thaylis speaks with several people on the windswept battlements as Cole introduces him to the many riders and dragons who assembled in a group on his maiden voyage in flight. The Hunter offers a genuine smile and welcoming nod to all those clustered atop the stone fortification, their good-hearted joking and light banter easing the growing nervous tension in the M'Chekian's body.

His eyes fall on the "princess double bus saddle" he had heard so much of to this point. Noting the many leather straps and buckles, along with the obvious seats for dual riders he pays close attention as it is carried to Skyla and strapped into place onto the base of her long neck, he himself offering a helping hand to cinch it tight.

Several strides take him to the dragon's massive scaled head. His gaze holds Skyla's briefly as he speaks to her in a low, sincere voice. "I can't tell you how good of a rider I am, Skyla, but I will promise you here and now I will do everything in my power to learn what is needed so we can fight effectively as One."

Clambering up the side of the dragon, the Hunter settles into the saddle, following the instructions of those around him on how to secure himself into place. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Thaylis turns in the saddle and looks back at Cole who just finished securing himself in place behind him. He offers the Champion a brief nervous smile and a nod before both Sklya and Seraph unfurl their sail-like wings, taking to the air with a massive leap.

As Skyla makes a gentle turn and swoops back past the Keep and the onlookers, those below can't help but notice the huge smile glued to the face of the man from M'Chek.

Double-checking the cumbersome constraints of the training saddle, pulling his own tight, and giving those of Thaylis an investigatory eye ... Cole returns the hunter's small nod backward. Pulling his gloves tight across his knuckles in a habitual manner, he exhales deeply before murmuring a small prayer and ensuring the holy cord of beads up his left arm is secure as Skyla ambles toward the edge of the walls.

"Keep eye to what is done as best able, Thaylis, but this first flight ... this and those that follow at the start will be ensuring your mind, body, and sense gain familiarity with the experience.

"Most important, this moment, is that you control your breath ... high speeds and higher altitudes can make it difficult upon the lungs. Do not hyperventilate. But if such happens, I keep a water-breathing matrix upon me ... not the best, but it can provide a measure of air and helps.

"... and try not to vomit in a spin. No one wants that.

"Apologies in advance, as this may be less than pleasant, but this needs be expedited."

The wings of Skyla, like sails of spun silver, unfurled and ready ... Cole gives Thaylis a last clap on the shoulder before issuing a short string of words in a full-bodied, alien language to the Silver. Leaping towards the clouds with a few thunderous wingbeats, the first flight for the hunter begins.

Using learned methods to communicate with Skyla, the Champion and the dragon collaborate to put Thaylis through a rigorous and gut-turning experience after the first slow glides past the Keep. Though easing slowly into it, by the end of the first flights ... they have put Thaylis through high speeds, dives and climbs, spins, rolls, and some more advanced maneuvering combinations as they begin the arduous process of throwing the brigadier into the deep end of acclimation.

There is no cruelty or malice, only a need for him to move past this point quickly ... to move past the shock of sheer speed, the forces endured at high turns, and the ability to keep senses un-spun throughout.

The sinuous silver form of the dragon streaks across the sky as the others join the rest in the days standard training ... alighting upon the roof once more as all take a break, and all looking to Thaylis' state after the first flights ....