The Blackest of Rooms: Act II: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:37, 1 June 2020

The Blackest of Rooms by <c|||>Ursula Seleivara</c>

Characters and the Cast that played the roles

Darak the handsome prince of light and goodness <cËÐØ>Mr Aneirin Menelaos</c>

Ashra the dark tormented girl <cÿ¥ >Mrs Nawen Beign</c>

Appalea the beautiful woman-promised to marry Darak <cÿ¥ >Miss Frannie Mouze</c>

Ixtlan the dark creature/devil who helps Ashra <cÿ¥ >Mrs Rali'vinee</c>

Wendoyln Ashra's friend and confidante <cÿ¥ >Mrs Thienna Skybreaker</c>

Guhner Darak's right hand man-a priest <cËÐØ>Mr Archibald Thel</c>

Narrator Sets the scene, announcements <cÿ¥ >Miss Glorandrea Aersinith</c>

<cËÐØ>Act II</c>

<cõõ >Scene One:</c>

Narrator: The night of the ball has arrived, the castle decorated beautifully as guests mingle and dance, guest names called off as they enter the room.

((Ashra and Wen are standing to the side, king/queen in center by door, Guhner walks up to them from the side and hands wine, all emoted and small talk))

Narrator announcing guests: Ladies and gentlemen, Prince Darak.

Darak enters walks to the trio.

Narrator: Hushed whispers fill the room, the ladies stare dreamily at Darak as some speculate he may be seeking a bride. Whispers quiet while the music starts again. ((~darak walks over while narration is happening~))

Darak - Hello friends. Ashra, you are as lovely as the night. Wen, and you are as bright as the sun. (he bows to them) What are we drinking, Guhner?

Guhner - Just wine tonight, your father's orders. For some reason, he wants you to stay sober.

Darak - (laughing) Very well. Ash, do you want to dance?

Ashra - Sure, if your highness wishes. (dramatic curtsey) (Wendoyln laughs)

Darak - C'mon Ash. You know I hate that.

Ashra - Of course, m'lord. If it pleases you. (she takes his hand, just a little smile)

The two start dancing, as Wendoyln and Guhner join as well. ~They move to the side a little to dance, not where Appalea enters from~

Narrator: Ladies and gentleman, Lady Appalea.

~Appalea enters and stops before mid stage~

A fair haired woman enters causing a few gasps at such a beauty. Darak stops dancing and drops Ashra's hands.

Darak - Sorry Ash.

He goes to greets the Lady. Wendolyn goes to Ashra's side quickly. Guhnar walks with Darak.

Darak - Lady Appalea, you honor us with your presence. I did not know you would be traveling to the castle this evening. I hope your carriage ride was uneventful. (he kisses her hand)

Appalea - (her voice as smooth as honey) Prince Darak (bows) I was sure your father would have mentioned my arrival. No matter, it is good to see you again.

Darak - I would be honored if I could have this dance, m'lady.

Appalea - My pleasure. (takes his hand as they gracefully dance)

((~everyone stops on stage, the lights go out, Ashra walks to center with candle for her soliloquy.~))

(Ashra-in soliloquy)

"My heart, it aches. It is torn open, seeing him with another like this, it is torment. My life has been spent by his side, never more than a house or a step away. All those nights, we'd sneak off to read poetry in the woods. He was the first to kiss these lips, to hold me in an embrace. The only one. If not for my station, we would have wed years ago but...

Am I foolish for these dreams I still hold? Our future, our life together, is it not to come? He gave me his promise (she pulls the locket from under her dress) and that is everything to him. His word is like my love for him, unwavering."

Scene goes dark, candle put away, stage lights back up, Ashra now back to Wen and Guhner.

Narrator: The king and queen step up and the music stops for the king.

The king and queen step to center

King - My son. Please come up here. Lady Appalea, you as well.

(~the pair go join the King and Queen in the center stage~)

King - It is my great honor to announce that my son and Lady Appalea will marry this spring. Please join me in a toast to the happy couple.

Narrator: Cheers fill the room and the sound of clinking glasses and applause.

(Darak looks bewildered, but takes the glass to toast with his family)

Wendolyn - (quietly) Oh Ash. I am sorry, I had no idea. Are you...

(Ashra lets go of her hand, pulls the locket from around her neck and leaves it broken on the floor before running off. Darak watching after her starts to follow but his father, the King puts his hand on Darak's shoulder, stopping him)

King - No son. Let the foolish girl go.

Ashra runs off stage through the theater and uses the backstage entry to get into her next scene.

The scene goes dark ((Stage lights off, curtain down))

<cõõ >Scene Two: Forest outside the castle, dark. Winter</c> ((Scene change to forest and druid circle, lights up))

Narrator: We find young Ashra alone in the dark forest, her heart broken by the news.

(Ashra leaning against a cold stone, sobbing. Her tears rolling down her cheek to the stone.

Ashra - (her voice desperate) I was such a fool. I should have never let myself love him. (cries more) I have nothing now. I have no one. I would give anything to make him see, to make him mine.

(Darak approaches from the darkness)

Darak - Ash, I don't know what to say. My father (her puts a hand on her to comfort her and she recoils)

Ashra - Darak, I've loved you since we used to race around these woods as children. You swore an oath to me. You swore to love only me.

Darak - It is not that simple. You know that. I do love you but I will have to marry Appalea. It is my family.

Ashra - (her voice almost a hiss) How dare you speak to me of duty! Of her name. It ~IS~ simple, Darak. Now go, leave me here in this darkness.

Darak - It is dangerous here at night, please Ash. Come back to the castle.

Ashra - (she screams) GO!

(Darak sighs and leaves her in the darkness.)

((lights down on stage, curtain down))