Blue Giant Crab

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Creature Name: Blue_Giant_Crab

Observations by: Brandt_Barkley

Creature Type: Animal ((1427))

Creature Subtype: None listed.

CTS trainable: Not yet (under Team review).


Giant Blue Crabs are a subspecies of giant crab most similar to Magebane Crabs. Similarly decapodal, they attack with large pincer-like forelegs, the 8 others being used for locomotion, reproduction and other tasks.

Feeding Habits

Like other giant crabs, they are omnivorous and opportunistic, feeding upon whatever they can get their claws into, whether plant and fungal matter, dead carrion or live prey

Disposition and Social Habits

Often found among other giant crabs, they appear to breed true, although a common mutation would appear to be the tougher Magebane Crab.


Found in or near waters of various depths, freshwater or marine. Observed beneath Southeastern Ferrell, upper ruin areas of the partially-flooded Rift Temple. Movement of water indicates a deeper subterranean connection to the ocean


Most compatible: Giant_Spider

  • Most similar body form, locomotion and feeding habits

Other notes

They appear blueish-white dorsally, fading to white ventrally, with red foreclaw tips. According to fisherman's reports, their meat is tough and stringy, and hardy fishermen who hunt for giant crabs will often throw them back if they catch a Blue Giant Crab in their fishing nets.