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Time: 03:13 UTC | Date: March 13 |
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Saturday 29th of April
- 15:00 GMT, Lake Crescetoria, Visimontium. The Wedding of Aman'dul Xilo'rulithii and Miriel Hana Tel'Suzail.
- 23:00 GMT, Meeting Room, Finmaegan Keep, southern M'Chek. M'Chekian Guards Public Hearing, hosted by Lord Provost Jared Evershield.
Sunday 30th of April
- 16:00 GMT, Southern Residences, Mikona. Speech and Street Fair delivered by Common House candidate Grace Dane-Unuldur.
To Be Rescheduled
- Lake Crescetoria, Visimontium. The Wedding of Grag Tharashk and Milora Tena'tneth.