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Fauna and Flora Group (FFG)


Founded by Robert Wallace as he could see it in the bottom of a glass of ale, this group has been crossing the lands and finding no bounds in the research for knowledge of nature and the environment surrounding them.

This group has traveled through the lands from the shores of M'Chek to the Dark caves of Deglos and it's amazing fauna and flora so strange to the underlight riders.

Our objective is to learn more about the wild life of avlis and to have a good time among friends while doing it therefore, everyone wishing for this good time is welcome to join.


In order to join the trips, one should look for the announcements that are posted on the boards around avlis and then show up in the right time carrying supplies for his survival on the wild environment, along with the drinks, food and tales needed for the trip. there is also a fee of one apple pie to be paid to Char'Jer

Brooch Holders

Those who carry a FFG Brooch are the ones more experienced in the FFG's trips. The role of an expedition leader is to take the group to new and exotic places where the wild life lays untouched by civilization, having all the maps and plans making sure all have a pleasant trip.


Expedition Assistant

An essential arm of the expedition leader, is resposible for linking the leader to the group, keeping an eye for the safety of the group as for the leader. Patience a virtue.

Chief Scout

Holds an key role as he is the one responsible blending with the shadows and feeling the environment in search for any hazard that would put the expedition in danger.


Responsible for keeping the group alive as bruises and scratches can happen in a trip among the wild fauna and flora of avlis.


The main core of the group. All kind of students are welcome, from the ones with expertize on the undead and arcane to the ones taking note of everything for record and further study.