Guild: Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi
About Le'Nofaythen
Le'Nofaythen proper is organized into five Divisions (with the 6th Division making up the elite forces), each with a general area of operation. There are no hard and fast borders, so some mixing and overlap is both inevitable and desirable. Each Division is commanded by a Senior Rangermaster and is divided into smaller Companies typically consisting of 3-5 Rangermasters, 15-20 Woodmasters, and 450-500 Yeomen, Veterans, and Warriors, 10-15 of whom are battlemages. Divisions are organized as follows:
Dispensation of forces
Le'Or T'Nanshi Division
Area of Operation:
Le'Or proper and the Canopies themselves, including Summerleaf, Silverfalls, and extending down to the forest floor immediately around every lift.
Senior Rangermaster: Mevinith Hirefya'oollensoa, 1st Company
1st Company
Le'Or Garrison
The last line of defense, the garrison of the city itself. Includes the Honor Guard, and defense of the Le'Or Lift. A coveted deployment, and one carrying high prestige.
3rd Company
Noritath Sha'l Garrison
Defending the lift at Grovehaven, and the canopies surrounding that area. Under the command of Rangermaster Kela Van'Hileth.
5th Company
Fourtree Garrison
Defending the village of Bah'etzeth (Fourtree) and the surrounding canopies.
Northern Division
Area of Operation:
Northern T'Nanshi, extending from an east-west line roughly north of the Le'Or T'Nanshi lift, north to the Deglos foothills.
Senior Rangermaster: Ril Deneth, 2nd Company
2nd Company
"The Band"
Roving Command Unit
Covers most of the Central Northern Division range.
4th Company
Nanshi Urbaz Garrison
Semi stationary deployment, responsibility extends south to the Elania trading outpost, east to Karak Thayt.
6th Company
Mobile Strike Unit
Rapid response unit covering the eastern area of the Northern Division range. Primarily slaver hunters, reinforcements for the Eastern Division forces watching Drotid Pass. Rangermaster Solerion Niltaur'win is one of the Company leaders of the 6th.
20th Company
Experimental idea of Ril's. Members of the 20th are exclusively druids or rangers, mostly Verossan and Pelarite. They operate independently along the Northern border, crossing occasionally into Drotid on intelligence missions.
22nd Company
General Infantry
Based out of the Zvidureth barracks, the 22nd Company contains many of the greener recruits (lending to their nickname which means "Young trees" in Common speak).
24th company
General Infantry
Also based out of the Zvidureth barracks, the 24th company is sent to assist and patrol wherever they are needed.
Eastern Division
Area of Operation:
Eastern T'Nanshi, from Drotid pass south to the M'Check border, and westward slightly inland.
Senior Rangermaster: Tir'eiwalin Cha'yeritath, 7th Company
7th Company
Roving Command Unit
Covers most of the Eastern Division range, based out of Quithranos.
8th Company
Drotid Pass Garrison
Semi stationary deployment, defends the Drotid pass and the surrounding area.
9th Company
"The Reborn"
Nireth Garrison
Reconstituted under the veteran Rangermaster Ilnothel Sher'shelega, who was responsible for rebuilding 5th Company (Bah'etzeth Garrison) after hags assaulted it, he has re-created the Nireth Garrison as a semi-stationary deployment with a broader range. Recruiting heavily both in Le'Or and in Nireth has netted him a large contingent of veterans and The Reborn is the envy of the other Eastern company commanders.
10th Company
Mobile Strike Unit
Rapid response unit covering the Northern area of the Eastern Division range. Primarily slaver hunters, they specialize in anti-shaahesk action. Known for wearing lizardskin boots of dubious origin. Currently serving under Rangermaster Falth Penethet
21st Company
"Blossom's Knights"
Constituted as magical artillery, rather than in the standard mode of mixing the mages into the main companies. Blossom's Knights began as a drunken suggestion during R&R at the Moon Tree. On a dare from the barmistress, Tir set about building the company himself, often recruiting personally. They maintain a 20-1 ratio of mages to melee fighters, and currently garrison at L'Hur'Aek Hegena. Members wear a cockle shell on one shoulder, in tribute to their namesake. They claim that after each recruit's first kill, she lets him personally take a shell from her outfit.
23rd Company
General Infantry
25th Company
General Infantry
Southern Division
Area of Operation:
Southern T'Nanshi, from the edges of the Eastern to the Western Division. The largest concentration of force exists in this division, and there is considerable overlap with the other division companies stationed in their southerly ranges.
Senior Rangermaster, Intelligence Commander: "Adom" Jack Cooper, 13th Company
13th Company
"The Wall"
Roving Command Unit
Covers most of the Southern Division range, has a much-appreciated reputation for showing up out of nowhere in the nick of time.
11th Company
Nan Sh'tal Garrison
Semi stationary deployment at Nan Sh'tal and patrols the surrounding area.
12th Company
General Infantry
Western Division
Area of Operation:
Western T'Nanshi, from the western edge of Zvidureth north to the Deglos mountains and the border with Ferrell, west to the Elysian border and the Eridanus River (including the entire Forest of Midnight), and south to the Great Chasm and the border of Blandenberg. Formerly well trained, this division has fallen into disarray and is considered the "soldier bank" from which other companies withdraw the best troops as transfers. This has left them relatively depleted of talent, if not numbers.
Senior Rangermaster: Robin Broadfoot, 15th Company
15th Company
Renethae Garrison
Resurrection Company is the attempt by the halfling Senior Rangermaster to begin the rebuilding of the Western Division. Soldiers in the 15th wear the symbol of an orange flower stitched on their shoulders, representing a plant growing in the grove at Cornath'Dru'El and Sena'lae's story of how it got there. Resurrection is currently the only stationary group in the Western Division, and their camp isn't terribly permanent either. They guard the mouth of the Eridanus River from incursions by shaahesk and from river pirates heading to and from Lake Eridanus to the north.
History of Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi 6th Division
For centuries, Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi (The Warriors of T'Nanshi) have been entrusted with maintaining the security and safety of T'Nanshi - the land of elves fathered by Dru'El. Empowered by the Council of Nine, they are responsible for the well being of the elves, fey, animals, trees and all others who dwell within the Spirit Land.

With a treaty in place, the bulk of Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi began to decommission and return to their lives in the forest. Once completed, long time commander-in-chief Lady Aratelda Rinthon announced her retirement and recommended to the Council of Nine that command of the remaining Le'Nofaythen veterans who stayed on to watch over the Spiritland in the years to come be handed over to the Lonovanen'Hirefya. This lead to the merger of the Lonovanen'Hirefya with the remaining Le'Nofaythen and the appointment of two new commanders-in-chief: F'eindal and T'eindel Trethlawn, who receive general directives and operating parameters from the Council of Nine. The stationing and continued training of Le'Nofaythen veterans that comprise the peacetime standing army of T'Nanshi is now overseen by a small elite unit of Le'Nofaythen committed to the continued safety and prosperity of the Spirit Land.
Now Le'Nofaythen 6th Division works as an elite unit with autonomy from the main body of the army. Quite often we set up and carry out our own missions with little input from the Council of Nine. At other times we carry out specific orders that they pass down to us via the warmasters.
Ever since the reformation of Le'Nofaythen after the the war Drotid and various other hostile forces have been constantly probing at our defences and the freedoms we hold dear.. the future safety of T'Nanshi is in our hands.
Officers of Le'Nofaythen'T'Nanshi 6th Division
Command Group
T'eindel Trethlawn, Senior Warmaster (PM).
Celithril Dy'nen, Warmaster (PM)
Thorfinn Kiff, Warmaster
Nawen Amakiir Ael'nyon (Elysia Liason)
Davilia Chert
Lyra Tir'eivrilo
Raine Jueness (Ferrell Liason)
Fletcher Millstone (Intelligence Captain)
Nuale ("Wolf") Naike'Karka
Sonja Pyre
Losin Rockhands (Deglos Liason)
Warriors of Le'Nofaythen 6th Division
Kale Allonar
Zelrig Blieth
Rydria Dy'nar
Shea'nalya E'lyan
Zeani Fireblossom
Aiko Heartfire
Le'ooharan Kaya Kooten ("Leo")
Tup Warick
Inactive, Retired, Discharged, Deceased (or assumed)
Amywiethiel Ne'ral'ess, Rangermaster.
X Akallabeth, Woodmaster.
Belina Greenberry, Woodmaster.
Breadan Eryk, Woodmaster.
Dannar Blighte, Yeoman.
Celinda Mei'ana, Yeoman (retired)
Guild Information

6th Division
Alignment: Any
Base of operations: T'Nanshi - Le'Nofaythen HQ and Zvidureth Barracks
How to contact us: Contact a recruitment officer.
What we do: We patrol T'Nanshi and respond to threats as they arise, working with the general edicts of the Council and the Warmasters.
What to expect: Expect a lot of patrolling, and a lot of training in tactics and other things initially, followed by a lot of enforcing bans, fines and so on. Also expect a few life-or-death situations when major issues arise, as they tend to do around us.
We differ somewhat from many of the other guilds in Avlis. Unlike the mage orders, holy orders, crafting, mercenary, etc. guilds, we are part of a larger NPC organization - the T'Nanshi Military. In addition, our guild is primarily concerned with a very specific region (that being wherever the warmasters dictate). This means that our purpose, directives, and some of the guidelines we work within are laid out for us by those NPC organizations (i.e. DMs).
The Le'Nofaythen 6th division is culled from the ranks of Le'Nofaythen and the former Lonovanen, handpicked for the fasttrack, we are under the direct command of the Warmasters and have our own command structure. Each of us operates at Woodmaster rank or higher within the larger Army. Our purpose is to be thrown at a hotspot before the regulars can mobilize.
DM Sponsors: spool32.