Guild:Mikon's Council of Balance
Holy Order of Mikon :
The Council of Balance
Alignment/Class Restrictions:
Any alignment to start but leanig toward the neutrality is preferable / Clerics or Fighters emphasized for Equalizers, all classes are welcome for council members.
Base of operations:
The base Hall is located in Mikona southwest of the temple of Mikon. The second Temple is in Visimontium and the Council quarters are right above it, the third location where we can be sought is in Blandenberg, The temple there is open to anyone who seek guidance either about the faith of Mikon or the path an equalizer have to follow. The presence of the Council and his followers is active there as we are one of the Order responsible to look at the safety in this city that seen so much destruction.
How to contact us:
Leave a message at either Halls or temples and we'll make sure to see that a member of the Council will answer it, (PM Sears610, Marleh, or godloth2) or seek out any of our members IG. We are easy to spot in our grey armor, and our players are spread across the time zones. .
What we do:
The Council of Balance is a holy order made of worshippers of Mikon. We seek to bring the balance over Avlis by achieving Mikon's will. We are a family towards each other, often acting alone in our tasks to achieve greater balance. But we can quickly gather when one of us is in need. As a council, each of our members have the same weight when a decision as to be made.
What we expect:
We will expect from everyone who wants to join our ranks to be trustworthy, capable of controlling his temper when needed, respectful of what has to be accomplished by the council, open minded to be able to react properly to any situation that might arise, and mostly to work to achieve Mikon's will. Finally to be available to meet with your brothers and sisters in faith on a regular basis to exchange your thoughts and to bring to others any news you might have learned over your expeditions and travels.
What to expect:
In return, you will be supported when needed by your family, you'll take part in Avlis history, sometimes behind the curtains, sometimes in the spotlight. By serving Mikon you will always be rewarded based on how you follow his will. Last but not least, your character will have the feeling of fully achieving their life toward a greater goal than your own self.