- Name: Mistbreeze
- Race: Halfling
- Birthplace: The Southlands, Ferrell
- Business Ventures:
- Mistbreeze Magical Merchandise w/ Cousin Raisin, Sherrill's Imports and Exports
- Mistbreeze Menu w/ Cousin Spice, Sherrill's Imports and Exports
- Mistbreeze Magical Merchandise, Zvidureth, T'Nanshi (rumored)
- Residence: Mistbreeze Magical Manor, Zvidureth, T'Nanshi (rumored)
- Sisters:
- Berry: The Smart One, always has a plan for more stacks and gets them!
- Cherry: The Cute One, Smile, Stab, Shout "SIZIST" then rinse and repeat.
- Verry: The Scary One, known to ride upon Tor's bear head into battle.
- Peri: The Little Sister, NEVER in trouble.
- Cousins:
- Peachey: The Odd One, lives in her storybook tales and believes she is a princess.
- Dewey: A Smelly Boy, Likes the ladies and is sick of hearing about Emmy!
- Raisin: The Dark One, oversees sales at M3 at Sherrill's Imports/Exports.
- Spice: The Fare One, oversees the Mistbreeze Menu Food Court Counter at Sherrill's Imports/Exports.
- Honorary Valley Goblins
- Bodyguards to Mister Oi
Mistbreeze Rollcall
Mistbreeze Triplet w/dagger
Mistbreeze Triplet w/daggers
Mistbreeze Triplet w/kukris
Peri Mistbreeze w/dagger
Peachey w/Princess Wand
Dewey w/dagger