Mikona:Recent Events:PlotLines:Underdark
- (01/12/06) The M'Chekian army begins recruitment again. - M'Chek begins a project of farming portions of the underdark. The M'Chekian army announces it will be recruiting for the first time since the war's end in order to aid this project.
- (10/11/05) The Dwarven Quarters are finally cleansed - This operation is credited to Order of Gorethar, the Council of Balance, the Council of Dagath, the Keepers of the Cycle, and the M'Chekian Guards. This is perhaps the final step in releasing the Mikonian underdark from Sorvanok's hold.
- (08/22/05) The Vasharan begin to assault Mikona's temples. The assaults, however, are short-lived.
- (08/21/05) Some activity of Sorvanok's old cult seems to indicate that all is not well in Mikona's underdark.
- (08/02/05) A last remnant of Sorvanok's power is found under Mikona - A dracolich is discovered lurking in the depths and dispatched by a cooperative effort of the M'Chekian Guards, the Council of Balance, and the Order of Gorethar.