Wemic marriage customs

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To be reviewed by the team - under construction


Male wemics try to impress the female wemics by gathering fame and glory. They roam the lands trying to make a name for themselves. Once in a while the males meet with the pride and swap stories of their deeds (and lots of liquor) with the young listening at their feet.
At these times the elder female wemics, the pride elders, keep a good eye on the males to see if there is a prospective consort amongst them. This is even more so, if there is a female unmarried young adult in the pride.
The young female, her mother and the pride elders come together later and the young one gets suggested to pick herself a male to get married for the continuation of the pride. Females usually see this day coming by the teasing of her mother and pride elders that precede it and start courting a male themselves or, in rare cases, run away from the pride. It is very rare for the courting to go the other way around, a male courting a female and the female agreeing.
The male's mother, the female's mother along with the pride elders meet and talk about the possible marriage. When all agree it is a good marriage the proposed couple joins them and a date is set for the marriage. The male has little to say in this process.


The day of the marriage is a great day for the pride. The pride's den is cleaned up, the males and the little cubs are groomed and there are flowers everywhere. Representatives of the neighbouring prides and wandering males come visit that day.

<to be continued>