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Avlis Tutorial: Emote System
This tutorial will guide you through the emote process.
Emote Options
1. Create
1. A Tent 2. A Campfire 3. A Bedroll 4. Previous 5. Exit
2. An Emote
1. Sit on the Floor 2. Sit in the Nearest Seat 3. Worship 4. Mediate / Pray 5. Read 6. Drink 7. Sleep face down 8. Fall backwards 9. Sit on the floor and read 10. Previous 11. Exit
3. An Emote by Category
1. Movement 2. Greeting 3. Conversation 4. Joy 5. Anger 6. Sleepy 7. Mystical or Spiritual 8. Miscellaneous (read, sit, drink sing...) 9. Previous 10. Exit
4. A dice roll
1. Roll a Save 2. Roll an Ability Check 3. Roll a Skill Check (A-Discipline) 4. Roll a Skill Check (Heal-Perform) 5. Roll a Skill Check (Persuade-Z) 6. Roll Multiple Dice 7. Roll a Single Die 8. Toggle Modes (Public/Private) 9. Previous 10. Exit
5. Save my Location
6. Calculate Avlis Date
7. Exit