Order of play
The Hangman template is to be used for each game. The following parameters are used in this template to display the game in progress:
- word:The word (pattern) to be guessed. Blanks are represented by dots (.) and guessed letters are filled in by the executioner in capitals
- guess:The current guess. This is one letter added to the template by the guesser. It is removed and added to the word (or misses) by the executioner.
- misses:The list of missed letters already guessed. These should be listed in alphabetical order in lower-case.
- misscount:The executioner keeps track of the miss count. This starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 when the guesser makes an incorrect guess. A miss count of 6 means the guesser has lost the game.
Each of the two games in a round can be played simultaneously. In general, if the game is "Alice vs. Bob," this means that Alice is the guesser in the first, or top, game and the executioner in the second, or bottom.