The Avlissian
The Avlissian is Avlis's player newsletter. You can sign up for it here.
Past Issues:
- Newsletter #13: (07/22/2019)
- Newsletter #12: Kelvos Trade Fair (01/25/2019)
- Newsletter #11: (10/01/2018)
- Newsletter #10: Avlis 2018 - Spring trade fair; interview with Thaylis and Melinda
- Newsletter #9: Special anniversary edition! Plus the schedule for next 2 weekends 📅 - Recap of activities in first weeks, Avlis memorable moments (Deider, Trigger, Korak, Kero, silverfields2, Joeyo, Tarken and Surfer69) + "Fireside Chats with Kat" (Sunscream and Ronan)! (07/20/2017)
- Newsletter #8: Avlis 15th Anniversary kicks off this weekend! 🎂 🎁 🎉 🎈 - Event schedule for the weekend of Friday, July 7 - Sunday, July 9 + "Fireside Chats with Kat" (Surfer69 and Dirigible)! (07/04/2017)
- Newsletter #7: Can you believe Avlis is 15? - Preparation survey for the "Fifteenth Anniversary Bash" (06/11/2017)
- Newsletter #6: Forian's Fair of Fools, horse races, Vichan interview and new cross server chat systems! (03/27/2017)
- Newsletter #5: Fairy Faire Trade Fair, Darkfire interview and more! (11/14/2016)
- Newsletter #4: Lowbie weekend + three HUGE development updates! (4/15/2016)
- Newsletter #3: Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! (3/25/2016)
- Newsletter #2: Schedule for reunion weekend! (3/11/2016)
- Newsletter #1: Avlis player reunion next weekend! (3/4/2016)
Note: If this list is outdated, you can find past issues listed here as well.