Vorin's Treasure Trove and Rest
Vorin's Treasure Trove and Rest is a bookstore and rest house in southern M'Chek. It is situated by the great Northern Road, approximately half-way between Mikona and Finmaegen Keep. It was established in the early 2200s by Lorewarden Janur da Medican.
- Lorewarden Janur da Medican (owner)
- Sister Clemence (management) (preceded by Sage Miriel and Ms. Alice)
- Ms. Aurora & Mr. Nathan SannesenNPC (storefront)
- Mr. Nico KrowsNPC (bar room)
- Ladies Night, an ongoing yellow paper
- The Current Announcements
- The Opening Announcement
Leave a message with Nathan the front desk or at the book drop box.
OOC: PM VorinsTreasureTrove