Clangeddin Silverbeard | Titania | Corellon Larethian | Tobin | Ptah | Gruumsh | Blibdoolpoolp

Alignment: NE
Worshippers' Alignment: NE
Domain: Murder, Shaahesk, Sahuagin
Colors: Black, Dark Green
Holy Warrior: Annihilator
Clerical Domains: Death, Evil, Protection, Trickery, Water
Lizard folk and sahuagin tend to follow their creator, Aarilax. Getting what you want is essential. You may have to work with others to get it, or then again, you may have to eat them. He doesn't care if anyone else exists or not, so long as he can get what he wants. This does not necessarily have to involve hurting everyone in sight, but it could.
The most holy thing ever created is desire. When you are left without a path to enlightenment or other higher places, the only thing you have remaining is your desire and your feelings.
Keeping Aarliax's precepts means worshipping him as the one who teaches it to all of his followers. However, worship of Aarilax is secondary to worshipping YOURSELF. Every being has the right to get what they want. The strong ones will of course have an easier time with this, but it does not make the weak any less privledged. They just have to work harder.
Paying attention to your own inner emotions and feelings is the important key. You must not only simply pay attention to your feelings, however. You must also do whatever you can to satisfy them. They are your guide, and your direct link to Aarilax's will. When it is all said and done, all you have left is your feelings.... so they better be worth having.