
Ferrell, nestled between the forests of T'Nanshi, the foothills of Deglos, and the rolling grassy plains of Toran Shaarda, Dubunat and Brekon lies the tiny nation of Ferrell. This peaceful little zone is little more than a large collection of hamlets built into the sides of naturally occurring grassy hills that roll through the area. However, it has remained steadfast and safe through out its entire 1800+ year history on Avlis.
Ferrell is a nation of halflings. Desiring the crisp clean air of the hill country, and the cozy comforting shelter of their housemounds, the halflings are very adept at keeping out of the affairs that churn around them. In a tiny area no more than a hundred miles from north to south, the halflings have managed to build hundreds of minor villages across the homey landscape. Some of these villages are quite small, consisting of no more than three or four housemounds clustered around a central walkway. Larger villages also exist. Kitanya Hill is one of the largest of them, consisting of several hundred housemounds, trading, and crafting facilities as well as major roads that lead to other places in Ferrell. Often, this place is regarded as the capitol of the low-profile nation, though such official distinctions are rarely regarded seriously in halfling society.
Central Ferrell map of gardens
Places of Interest
The Port Hole
The AKN Hall
ROTE Ferrell Style
Salt Mines
Roseberry Woods
Little Falls Canyons (LFC)
Citizens of Interest
Mayor Jamjeans
Humphrey and Merin
Groups of Interest
Freelancers of the Springmaiden
Salt Clan
Arcane Orcs
Se'Fassu's Undead
In Game Developments / Other
City of Port Eridanus Forum Discussion of the daily events in and around the City of Port Eridanus in Ferrell.
Ferrell Team:
Server: Ferrell: avlis.blackdagger.net:5126