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Name: Elyl Ka'aestar
Race: Ghost Elf
Age: Early 160's
Residence: Visimontium

  • Red Order of the Flame

Former Affiliations:


  • Planar phenomena and lore
  • Artifacts
  • Chaos Arts

As with most of his kin Elyl has pale skin and near blonde-white hair trailing down to his shoulder which unfortunately is matted and poorly kept due to his excessive wear of a hood. Due to his nature he can be seen having either a very worn complexion or a bright and exuberant one but more than not its kept free of any emotion. He is of frail build but rather nimble on his feet and with his hands which aids in his castings to try and remain one step ahead.

Unfortunately Elyl has always suffered from an internal battle of just what his place is in life not only with arcane but other people as well. He does his best to be trusting but tends to look at pessimism when manners start to go sour. It is quite easy to tell from his way-ward actions he is not only manic-depressive but also prone to rash actions. When need be he can plan but his plans are usually so loose that it affords him the comfort of improvisation.

Originally Elyl would follow his first real contact with the Trust, Lafreth. When Elyl first found Lafreth, Elyl was a lost wizard in the big pool of mages not knowing just how to apply his studies. For some time he followed his teachings but as time moved on he adopted his own interests off of Lafreth. Eventually this separation would be the beginning seeds of his lack of Ivory vision. Slowly he moved up the ranks though in Ivory until he became the Great Mage of Internal Affairs. In soon time though after that he became obsessed with an Ebony Mage, Fade, after a brief talk with her over intrigue and subversion. While he was growing tired of how Ivory seemed to bear down on conformity he saw Ebony at that point as a path out to complete freedom in his practice of the arcane. In the end due to poor planning and once again rash actions Elyl lost everything he had and thought he had.

While shortly after he joined Red he moved up to Chytheria with Day to escape his own personal issues. One did follow however that Elyl cannot simply turn away from, his fairy, Staa. Even though he sought peace of mind finally by leaving everything for good she still does what she can to cause the spark inside she knows is in Elyl...

While Elyl still does talk with many people he tends to wander about so much he doesn't keep to one person for too long. Some of his more closely regarded friends would be:
Da'emona- Elyl's oldest friend from as long as he can possibly remember
Tralil Breck-always confided anything with him and was his closest friend while he was in Ivory
Micah Ormane-while when they first met they were opposites on the side of the arcane Elyl still views her as one of the very few people he can fully trust
Fade- Elyl's wife. On the surface not much can be noticed from this as it would seem a normal relationship but truely it wasnt the smoothest affair ever
Fergus Goodmane-another friend from before Elyl joined the Trust and a contant good friend to speak with over anything
Nikki Amakiir- first glance seeing how Nikki and Elyl speak to each other wouldnt really seem as if they get along but in reality its nearly something like siblings go through
Day-Another one of Elyl's oldest friends and someone whom he has eventually begun to refer to as "sister" despite the lack of being in the same group or even of the same race