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About Jedisniper

Avlis Board name: Jedisniper

One of my nicknames is Jedisniper (long story, don't ask... lol).

I live in Sydney, Australia GMT +10 , +11 during summer.

I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons since I was 15 years old (I am 31 y.o. at the time of writing this).
I Love roleplaying and very much enjoy PnP RP as well as Online RPGs.

I have played just about every WotC DnD RPG there is to play, and I bought NWN on the day it was released in Australia.

I came to Avlis totally by mistake, I think it was a random link I clicked on on the NWN boards in the online worlds section. I had never played RPGs online at that stage, so Avlis was my first experience. Since that time I have played many other online RPGs, both in the NWN engine and other forms of games also.

Quite honestly I can say that absolutely nothing compares to Avlis. The community, the Team, the Vision... it is all just purely AMAZING, and it is why I will be here for years to come.

Was there life before Avlis?? I don't think so. - Damn you Orleron :P

Jedisniper DM Info

DM Avatar: The'ton

Avlis Characters:

Holandar, Blackmane: is my main character, the first one I made when I came to Avlis at the beginning of 2005.

Hol resides in Mikona and serves Mikon and the Council of Balance as an Equalizer.

I have 2 alt characters at this time:

Sovanog: an Orcish Dreadpriest of The'ton

Riddasshh: a weapon master of Aarilax