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Turiva Ilnuru

Purpose: Foremost, Turiva Ilnuru is an organization designed to promote the study and practice of pale mastery. Second, as pale masters, undead are often our servants or objects of study. Thus, we generally oppose their destruction. Third, at present there are no persons who practice divine magic entirely dedicated to pale mastery or the undead, because there is at present no god on Avlis who has domain over pale mastery and the undead. Andrinor, as the God of Mortal Magic, has domain over necromancy and all related aspects of pale mastery. It is divine influence over undeath and the other aspects of the pale art that is lacking among the gods, and it is that apparent absence that we seek to fill.
Membership: Necromancers, pale masters, and suitable clerics (determined case-by-case); must respect Andrinor (but need not worship him); as of 2007, excluded from membership in the Orders of Andrinor’s Trust by decree of the High Mage Council.
Base of Operations: Unknown.
Contact: Sinomi Sii, Malwa Turole (pm: szabot)
Known Members:
Former Members:
"In the news":

Some Members of Turiva Ilnuru
Some Members of Turiva Ilnuru