Guild:Deglos Brigade
The Dwarf Brigade
Race: Dwarves or Gnomes only
Alignment: Primarily non-evil
Base of operations: The DB HQ in the Foaming Mug building. West warrens, Nanshi Urbaz, Deglos.
How to contact us: IG: Ferrell/Elysia> Alex Noble, Thror Stormhammer Deglos>Kasil Cren, Kegnar Thund Mikona/Deglos> Tagnaro Stonedwell, Bheem
PM: Alex Noble or Aldinvineda
What we do: We're a laid back bunch of dwarves who get together occasionally to drink, crump (Dwarven slang for SMASH!!) and exchange tall tales. Also, protecting the nation of Deglos in our spare time Razz and the one group on Avlis where you'd find folks to train Dwarven Defenders.
What to expect: Lots of grunting and snorting in hard to understand accents, bad jokes galore and more ale than you could imagine. Used to be one of the best all round fighting units in Avlis, but we've lost active members to RL and are now looking to rebuild.
We seem to have only melee oriented characters and are sorely feeling the need for casters i.e clerics, sorcerors and wizards when we "go a crumpin' " and on the few DM events we get. If you want help building a character concept for a dwarven battlepriest/battlemage of a deity or a Gnomish caster who joins our ranks, feel free to drop a PM my way.