SourceMaterial-Avlis Campaign 4, Part 2

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Campaign Title Part
Avlis Campaign 1 The "Jade" Campaign Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Avlis Campaign 2 The West End of Time Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Avlis Campaign 3 Vanoviel and The Godslayer Part 1
Avlis Campaign 4 Rune Quest Part 1, 2
Avlis Campaign 5 The Western Underdark Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Avlis Campaign 6 Daggerspace Part 1, 2, 3
Avlis Campaign 7 Into The Wastes Part 1, 2, 3

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Chapter 4

After their experiences at the Ice Shaman's cave, the PC's find themselves standing in front of Theramid the Mikonator. He tells the PC’s:

“You must delve deep into the Underdark to retrieve some Red Obsidian so I may show you how to make styli which would then allow us to begin exploring this new power. I have spent some time on divination, and I have something that may help you on your journey. It is back at the Scales. That is also where you will find an entrance that will get you into the Underdark. When you get to the Temple, go to the ‘family chapel’ off to the side of the main chapel. In there, you will find a bag of powder under the altar. Whenever you are uncertain as to how to get to the red obsidian, take a pinch of the powder, throw it straight up and say ‘RED OBSIDIAN’ in a clear voice. The powder will head towards whatever you state. There isn’t much powder, so use it sparingly.

Behind the room with the main altar in the temple, there is a door. You may have seen it. The door leads down a stairway that goes to a small salt cavern. That cavern is used as a salt supply for the temple, and in better times the salt was traded to the surrounding tribes. If you search around in there, you will find an entrance to a rough tunnel. Look for some large salt crystals that are out of place. A half-a day’s journey down that tunnel will lead you to a large lava tube. There is a ledge spiralling down into that tube. Take that to the bottom and begin your search there. The City of Sharis lies a few day’s journey eastward and about another day’s journey down. Unfortunately, I am not qualified to guide you through the tunnels in that area. You may have to hire help.”

With their newly acquired quest, the PC's set off on their journey back to the Scales of Mikon, and soon encounter a curious band of pilgrims wandering in their same general direction. As they neared the group, they could make out the trappings of Mikon worshipers, but they were acting rather strangely. Standing in a circle, they were placing personal items on a small makeshift altar: trinkets, tokens, silver, a small gerbil, etc. Then once all seven of the group members had contributed, the lead member took out a flask of whiskey and lit the items ablaze, while they all chanted to Mikon. This struck Lolobe and his companions as being odd, since it was not part of any known Mikonite ritual.

After some discussion, the PC's wandered up to the group and engaged them. They found out that the pilgrims were also on their way to the Scales of Mikon, to make offerings and pay homage there. Most of their journey from the south was uneventful but lately they found their way beset by wolves and other dangers out in the mountains, and they had already lost two of their number. The priest of Mikon asked them more questions and began to notice their features were also uncommon: some had pointy teeth and slanted or pointy ears. One member of the group had a couple of bumps on her forehead. Although these were strange features, it did not preclude them from worshiping Mikon, the PC's knew, but they were cautious. They agreed to protect the travelers, but from a distance. They told the pilgrims to go ahead for half a day whilst the PC's covered their rear. Reluctantly, the pilgrims agreed, though it was not as if they had a choice.

Soon, the PC's paid for their minimal assistance. That night they were assaulted by the pilgrims in a bloody battle. Schwerg nearly lost his life a couple times, while the priest of Mikon did all he could to cast spells in the middle of the raging battle. The pilgrims assaulted them with short swords, clubs, and cunning night tactics, but they did not prevail. Battered and torn, the victorious PC's decided to heal up for a couple of days at the camp.