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| Animal Companion Training | Fauna Lore | Submit Research on a New Companion |


Creature Name: Pyrolisk

Observations by: Svipdagr

Creature Type: Beast ((???))

Creature Subtype: Bird or Lizard?

CTS trainable: Not yet (researching).


A mean bird... err lizard? The pyrolisk can often be found in the deep caves of Ferrell and can be the very quick end to an adventure... Besides its odd magical protections, the pyrolisk has the ability to turn creatures into stone from a single touch... Obviously, this works well as a defensive measure and gives the added bonus of extra digestive stones for the bird/lizard creature.

Feeding Habits

Pyrolisks often like to have small stones in their stomach to aid in digestion... Don't be that stone.

Disposition and Social Habits

Always in groups and very territorial but not openly aggressive unless bothered.


In the Ferrell caves and preferably in the smaller corridors and not the open areas.


Most compatible: Dire Rat

  • It's got wings... but also scales... Very confusing creature but it's wiley and prefers dark holes and caves. Much more ratlike than birdlike.

Other notes

Still compiling notes and watching this creature... One wonders if they have a connection to the dracolisks and how the two interact. Perhaps a symbiosis?

Not as cute as the usual chicken... Also don't call them chicken!