A spell's range indicates how far from the character it can reach, as defined on the Range line of the spell description. A spell's range is the maximum distance from the character that the spell's effect can occur, as well as the maximum distance at which the character can designate the spell's point of origin. If any portion of the spell's area would extend beyond the range, that area is wasted.
Standard ranges include:
Personal: The spell affects only the character.(effective range of 0)
Touch: The character must touch a creature or object to affect it. (up to 2.25 meters)
Short: The spell can reach up to 8 meters away from the character.
Medium: The spell can reach up to 20 meters away from the character.
Long: The spell can reach up to 40 meters away from the character.
Aiming a Spell
The character must make some choice about whom the spell is to affect or where the effect is to originate, depending on the type of spell.
The distances can be found in the file ranges.2da