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Creature Name: Bat
Observations by: Deider of Pelar
Creature Type: Animal ((10))
Creature Subtype: Rodent
CTS trainable: Yes (compatible with CTS).
Bats are unique for being the only mundane mammal that can fly. They were once thought to be inherently evil – perhaps due to their association with vampires, who are said to be able to transform into them - and were often kept as pets or familiars by witches, hags, and other spellcasters. This myth has since been debunked, and many rangers and druids who spend most or all of their time underground have bats as companions. Bats have poor eyesight but use sound to navigate. In ancient times bats were thought to be a strange type of bird, but after close study and dissection, druids, rangers, Vorinites have concluded that bats are warm-blooded rodent mammals, related to rats and mice.
Feeding Habits
Most bats eat insects, either swooping down from their perches to grab them or even snatching them in midair. Some species eat fruit, and bats are like birds in that they often disperse fruit seeds by eating the fruit and then eliminating the seeds while flying. A few larger bat species will eat small animals, including other bats. The vampire bat, like its namesake, ingests blood, but is not undead and is in no way related to actual vampires.
Disposition and Social Habits
Bats are rarely found alone, and tend to flock together. Sometimes different species can be found in the same cave.
Bats are usually associated with caves, but can be found all across Negaria, except for the cold regions of Tyedu. While they are more commonly found in caves and the subterranean realm known as the Underdark, they are also known to roost in tall trees such as those found in T'Nanshi, sleeping during the day and hunting at night.
Most compatible: Hawk
- Though bats do not have feathers like the hawk, they have wings and can fly.
Other notes
Bat dung, also known as guano, is used in the Underdark to fertilize crops. It is also rumored that it can be used to create explosives. In addition to many mundane species there are several types of magical or quasi-magical bat, including the dire bat, deep bat, mobat, and magebane bat.