Blackhawk Battalion Structure

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Blackhawk Battalion's Structure and Organisation

The following records the structure and organisation of M'Chek's elite Blackhawk Battalion at the time of its revival prior to the Tharul'Zannadar campaign. The pressures and requirements of active service in the Drotid War mean that the information presented may not be currently accurate.

Ranks and Promotions

Soldier Recruit . They are considered army members, but are not permitted access to the Blackhawk files until they have attained veteran status.

Private (Veteran). The general makeup of most squads is this. They have access to files, but not command authority.

Corporal . This is the soldier rank for logistics, Intel, and artillery. Intel specialists are granted access to intel files.

Sergeant. This is squad leader command. PC’s with this rank command 1 squad of NPCs in their platoon. Rank can be field promoted by any lieutenant or above based on need. No approval necessary.

Sergeant Major. A sergeant who has distinguished themselves in both loyalty and skill, but is otherwise unfit for broad tactical command. Can be placed in charge of a platoon or elite squad. Brevet rank is given by a company commander (typically 1st lieutenant or captain), and ultimately approved by Blackhawk commander.

Command Sergeant. Exceptionally distinguished sergeant (one in the entire Blackhawks) who is given authority to procure and manage personnel and supply lines. Also serves on the command staff to the Blackhawks commander. Still does not have broad tactical command, but may lead a platoon or elite squad. Rank is given by Blackhawk commander.

Lieutenant, 2nd. Platoon commanders. PCs who have this rank have a platoon of NPCs and/or PCs under their command. They can deploy as directed by the leadership, but are in charge of and responsible for the field operation of their troops. Brevet Rank can be given based on need by Captain and above, but final approval must be made by Blackhawk leader or higher rank.

Lieutenant, 1st. As 2nd Lieutenant, but distinguished and authorized to have company level authority. Brevet Rank can be given by Blackhawk commander or higher rank, and ultimate approval and promotion is given by Blackhawk commander or higher.

Captain. Further distinguished from 1st Lieutenant. Authorized to have company level authority and command staff. Brevet Rank can be granted by Major and above when needed, but ultimate approval must be made by General or War Commissioner.

Major. Top leadership of the Blackhawks. Can command the entire battalion, elite platoons and companies, and serve on the command squad. Generally no more than 2 at any time. Can only be granted by a general or the war commissioner.

Lt. Colonel. The Second Highest Rank granted, and is in charge of the Blackhawks (can only be one at a time), and is for those majors who distinguish themselves in large operations. Can only be granted by the War Commissioner after recommendation by a general.

Colonel. The Highest Rank granted that is solely in charge of the Blackhawks. Rarely awarded, and only given to the most respected Lt. Colonels by the War Commissioner.

Army Structure

The Blackhawks Company (Increased to Battalion Strength)

Commander: Colonel, Lt. Colonel, or Major.

Command Staff: 2 Majors or Captains (can be higher in certain circumstances), 1 Cmd Sgt.

Blackhawk Command Company Led by: Major or Captain (battalion commander or command staff) Platoons:

2 Heavy Infantry Platoons (2 squads of 10 per platoon, 1 is Elite, 1 mage per squad) 1 Ultra Heavy Infantry Platoon (4 squads of 5, one is High Elite) 1 Scout Platoon (2 squads of 10, 1 is Elite, 1 mage per quad) 1 Spellsword Infantry Platoon (4 squads of 5, one is High Elite)

Total Count: 40 Heavy Infantry, 20 Ultra-heavy Infantry, 20 Scouts, 20 Spellswords (100 total)

Recon Companies (BC 1st and 2nd Recon Co.s)

Command: Lt. or Cpt.

Platoons (each led by Lt. or Sgt. Major):

2 Scout Platoon (5 squads of 8 each., 1 squad per platoon is Elite, 2 mage per platoon)

Total Count: 35 Scouts, 5 Elite Scouts per platoon (80 per Company for 160 total)

Veteran Infantry Companies (BC 1st and 2nd Infantry Co.s)

Command: Lt. or Cpt.


4 Heavy Infantry Platoons (4 squads of 10 men per platoon, one squad is Elite, 1 mage per platoon)

Total Count:120 Heavy Infantry, 40 Elite Heavy Infantry per Company (320 total)

Veteran Calvary Companies (BC 1st and 2nd Calvary Co.s)

Command: Lt. or Cpt.


1 Light Calvary (5 squads of 5, includes 1 elite squad and 1 mage) 1 Heavy Calvary (5 squads of 5, includes 1 elite squad and 1 mage)

Total Count: 25 light and 25 heavy calvary per company. (100 total)

Artillery and Demolitions (BC A&D)

Command: Lt. or Cpt.

Platoons (each led by a Lt. or Sgt. Major)

1 Sapper Platoon (4 squads of 5, incl. 3 mages) 1 Traps and Mines Platoon (4 squads of 5, incl. 3 mages) 2 Field Artillery Platoons (4 squads of 5 each. Incl. 3 mages per platoon.)

Total Count: 20 Sappers, 20 Traps/Mines, 40 Field Artillery (80 total)

Spying, Infiltration, and Intel (BC Intel)

Command: Cpt. Or Major

5 Intel Platoons (4 squads of 5, 2 mages per platoon, 1 elite squad per platoon)

Logistics (BC Support and Supply) – NPC Only

Command: Lt. or Cpt.


2 Light Infantry (2 squads of 20, 1 mage) 2 Light Artillery (4 squads of 10, 1 mage) 1 Scout Platoon (4 squads of 5, one elite, 1 mage)

Total Count: 40 Light Infantry, 40 Light Artillery, 20 Scouts (100)

X Company (“Does not exist”)

Command: Blackhawks leader 40 specialists (includes high level mages, clerics, and PrCs), often blended into other companies as needed, or sent out in small squads or as individuals. Includes internal affairs.

Total Count: 40

Absolute Count: ~900 heads