Domestic Cats
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Creature Name: Domestic Cats
Observations by: Katya of Pelar
Creature Type: Animal ((94))
Creature Subtype: Feline
CTS trainable: Yes (compatible with CTS).
Most people think the domestic cat is nothing more than a pet, fun to cuddle, rather lazy, without much practical sense. While it is true that most cats enjoy nothing better than sleeping in the sun, being stroked on demand and receiving three meals a day without having to work for it, I think the common view does not do them justice.
For small or tiny druids, the cat provides a great opportunity at having a companion that can go anywhere their owner can go, without having to fear getting stuck. Small enemies can be dealt with, larger ones can be avoided: the cat has a soft tread. In can jump long distances, and it can survive falls from great heights by relaxing and turning with its paws down during the fall. Its sense of balance is superb, and it is a great climber. A brownie druid might even consider it as a steed.
But also for a larger druid the cat's small size offers some advantage, getting into places where larger creatures cannot go. Its sense of smell and excellent eyes make it a great help in tracking. And for those among us who have to deal with city folk a lot: a cat does not attract as much attention from them and appears to them to be rather harmless, which can be helpful in dealing with them.
Due to the domestication process, the cat comes in many varieties. In general they are about one foot long, with pointy ears, slitted eyes and a long, graceful tail which they use for balance. Coats can be either sleek or longhaired, and can come in all sorts of colours: black, white, grey, tabby, or a mixture of these. Eyes are gnerally yellow or green, although other colours occur as well. The cat I have studied most extensively was my parent's white cat, who had a sleek coat.
Many breeds of cats are known in Avlis: White (depicted to the right), Black and White, Black, Bobtail. Kittens old enough to be independent from their mothers also make excellent companions.
Feeding Habits
Small prey (rodents, birds, bugs, etc.)
Disposition and Social Habits
The cat prefers to stalk its prey, sneaking up on it and pouncing when the time is right. It uses its sharp fangs, as well as its retractable claws. All four paws have these claws, which are also used in climbing, in combat the front paws are used for swiping at the enemy while the hind paws are used for jumping. Small prey can count on four paws right on top of them, with larger prey they tend to go for the throat.
The domestic cat can be found anywhere where humans live. Most of them serve as pets, although at times one will run away or be abandoned, in which case it returns to the wilds. In general it has no trouble reverting to its old predatorial ways, and it will not have a hard job surviving. In such cases, it prefers a foresty environment, with lots of small prey.
Most compatible: Panther
- The cat is a distant relative of the panther, and though it is domesticated, it has not lost its predatorial instincts. The cat is a carnivorous creature, and a territorial one. It likes to play with its food.
Other notes
None listed.