Evil Goose Yodel

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When their cave floors get dirty, or there's dust in their room
The thing kobolds need is a magic hag broom
The problem with those is that magic hags got 'em
If kobolds want brooms then they gotta go ask one
Yo di-o di-o, di-o di-o di-o
Yo di-o di-o, di-o di-o di-o

But when they go ask one hags won't give 'em over
So kobold brought with him a mighty fierce ogre
An ogre is helpful with broom hags in that
If you happen to see one then he'll smash her flat
Yo di-o di-o, di-o di-o di-o
Yo di-o di-o, di-o di-o di-o

But there was a pyrolisk, a weird glowy owl
The kobold decided to sneak up on the fowl
This goose turned the kobold to stone, to stone
So ogre smashed statue and sent kobold home
Yo di-o di-o, di-o di-o di-o
Yo di-o di-o, di-o di-o di-o

-- Zor