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Creature Name: Falcon
Observations by: Deider of Pelar
Creature Type: Animal ((144))
Creature Subtype: Bird
CTS trainable: Yes (compatible with CTS).
Falcons are large birds of prey, similar to hawks and eagles. They are fairly common in Negaria.
Feeding Habits
Smaller species of hawks feed on insects, rodents, and small reptiles. Larger species eat smaller birds.
Disposition and Social Habits
Falcons usually live and hunt alone until they find a mate. Falcons mate for life, and will typically build their nests on cliffs. Like many birds, females are larger than males.
Falcons can be found all across Negaria, except perhaps the northernmost regions of Tyedu. They are more common than eagles, and can be found anywhere that other birds flock such as mountain ranges, river valleys, and coastlines. They will even roost on top of towers or tall buildings in cities.
Most compatible: Hawk
- Falcons, like hawks, are a type of bird. They are considered by many druids to be related, and some even classify them as the same species. However, falcons can be distinguished from hawks and eagles by the fact that falcons kill their prey with their beak, while hawks and eagles kill their prey with their talons.
Other notes
Falcons have never been domesticated, but they can be trained. Falconry is a common hobby among the nobles of the Kurathene empire. They have even gone so far as to breed their own species, the Kurathene Falcon. This species is usually found only in the Kurathene, but many have recently been spotted in M'Chek – it is thought that some were accidentally left behind by Kurathene falconers or nobles, and now they have proliferated in the wild.
It is rumored that Kurathene soldiers have trained falcons to swoop down and distract enemies in battle. ((OOC: perhaps falcons could be Sap or on-hit daze to their creature weapons temporarily as their special skill?))
Falcons have been used as mounts by fey Champions of O'Ma.
There are rumors that dire falcons and giant falcons live in extremely remote areas, but there is no record of them ever having been seen.