Fegall and the Stupid Tyeduans
by Findail

In ages past, Fegall traveled to the frozen plains of Tyedu, to study the making of quality fur garments. While there, he gathered many students to himself, the better to study and develop quality hats, and fur-trimmed vestments. They were happy students, and generally well behaved as well. Until one day, the evil Chief Bungnwar Dripnose came to Fegall's camp and proclaimed:
"Bwa ha ha ha ha! Foolish weaklings! What use has a Tyedun of quality fur mittens? I'm going to hassle you with this disgusting thing I found until you return to the wilds like true northmen."
And the students cried like the silly people they were. But Fegall stepped forward and said:
"I shall save all of you by kicking that thing into a valley, for I will not touch it." And Fegall saved his students, and Chief Dripnose went away. Fegall rightly expected some praise for his bravery. But instead he received mockery.
"Huh huh huh. You used your foot, little man. Were your hands to small to grasp the disgusting thing? Huh huh huh." said the very stupid students. Fegall was very tolerant, and put up with the students' pathetic immaturity. But one day Chief Dripnose came back.
"Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! I've got a really disgusting thing to annoy you with THIS time," he said. And the students cried and wept, and said:
"Please help us, Fegall! Please!"
But Fegall did not wish more mockery. So he said:
"If you had made the quality goat-fur gloves I taught you the secret of, you'd be able to throw that thing away yourselves without dirtying your hands. But your hands are all too large to fit in MY pair of gloves, so you're screwed," and went into his library. The students begged for mercy, but Fegall was too busy studying a new stitching pattern for quality fur-lined boots to bother aiding them. So Chief Dripnose wrapped them up in the disgusting thing and took them away. And as far as anyone knows, they're still there.