List of Lycanthropes

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The official current list of all Lycanthrope creatures available to PCs on Avlis is:


  • Bat
    Were-Bat Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Bear
    Were-Bear Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Boar
    Were-Boar Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Cat
    Were-Cat Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Fox
    Were-Fox Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Goat
    Were-Goat Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Hawk
    Were-Hawk Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Jaguar
  • Leopard
    Were-Leopards Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Lizard (looks more like a viper)
    (yes we know it looks like a snake)
    Were-Lizard Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Racoon
    Were-Racoon Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Rat
    Were-Rat Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Spider
    Were-Spider Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Tiger
    Were-Tiger Hybrid and Lycan Forms
  • Wolf
    Were-Wolf Hybrid and Lycan Forms

Other information about Lycanthropy: In a lycan's were-form they have damage resistance and regeneration.

Damage Resistance

The Damage Reduction is directly based on a character's level. The amount of damage absorbed is 10 + 1/2 of that character's level. So, for example, a level 20 lycan would have 20/+xx DR. A level 10 would have 15/+xx, and a level 30 would have 25/+xx For the +xx, it is determined by your level as well. A level range of 1-7 is +1. 8-15 is +2. 16-23 is +3. 24-31 is +4. 32-40 is +5 So, the same level 20 lycan would have 20/+3 DR. The level 10 would have 15/+2, and the level 30 would have 25/+4.


The regeneration directly follows a character's level progression. So at level 5, in were-form, a lycan will regenerate 5 hp per round, at level 30 it will be 30 hp per round.