Magic:Protection from Elements

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Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Luck 3, Protection 3, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Innate Level: 2
Component(s): V, S
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Target: Single
Duration: 96 Minutes
Counter(s): --
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Metamagic: Extend, Quicken, Silent, Still
Energy Substitution: No

The target creature gains damage resistance of 30+(caster level/2)/- against all elemental forms of damage (acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic). The spell ends after absorbing 40 points of damage +1 per 2 caster levels from any single elemental type.

Note: Protection from Elements overlaps (and does not stack with) other magical energy resistance, such as Resist Elements and Endure Elements. If a character is warded by these other spells, the higher resistance spell absorbs damage first until it is exhausted. This spell stacks with, and is applied after, feat-based sources of damage resistance.