Nawen's Sketchbook

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Nawen's Sketchbook

~Pages and pages of drawings and watercolors of life in the gardens from pixies napping in clover patches to nymphs, sylphs, dryads, and brownies that live there also. Depicting an almost idyllic setting to live in. Throughout the pages, a certain redhead appears along with some other notable names. Of note, there a lovely watercolor of the garden in full bloom with two brownies hiding under the bridge. Few more pages there seems to be a group of nymphs in a natural setting and attire dancing around a tree. Probably one of the most stunning is a watercolor of the stream in the garden covered in colorful flower petals and the stillness of everything and everyone depicted is somewhat haunting. The final sketch is of the redhead's reflection in the stream; creating an abstract watercolor of some complex meaning to those that look at it long enough.~