Reconciliation of Kelvos and Lesa
The Reconciliation of Kelvos and Lesa
A Divine Balance Restored

Dala and Eneki Blake of Mikon — Upholding Balance
Emma and Owen Thayt'or of Aarilax — Upholding Desire
Auryna Thayt'or, née Ak'hanrye — Drawer of Opposites and Ritual Circles
The Accursed Specter of Flavius Stoll — No longer accursed
Vanessa, High Priestess of Kelvos — Willing vessel for the essence of Lesa
Erik, High Priest of Lesa — Willing vessel for the essence of Kelvos
Mayina of Yeraiah
Victor of Dagath
Marguerite of Mikon
Delurion of Pelar
Jax of Dru'El
& numerous witnesses of many faiths
Kelvos, Lesa and Flavius: A New Beginning
A momentous event unfolds, centered onto the holy pool in front of the High Temple of Mikon...
Auryna: Welcome here. Both of you. You are safe.
Lesa: (Manifests in the body of Vanessa. Gasps and flinches away from Kelvos)
Kelvos: (Manifests in the body of Erik. Looks to Lesa as though she had physically struck him)
Kelvos: You mean she is safe from me.
Auryna: I mean you are safe. Here. The storm can rage a while, but here you are in its eye.
Auryna: You know... It's been so long and we've all changed so much, I'd like to welcome you to the idea of starting with the simple introduction. A fresh start.
Kelvos: What.
Auryna: I'm Auryna. AJ to my friends. Well met.
Lesa: It is a pleasure to meet you, Auryna. I think we will become fast friends.
Auryna: I hope so. (Extends her hand to Kelvos) I'm not a wizard, but I'd very much like to be one when I grow up.
Kelvos: (Does shake her hand)
Auryna: And you are, good Sir?
Kelvos: Kelvos. Demi-God of Lost Love, Star-Crossed Lovers, Envy, Lost Causes, and Lust.
Auryna: (To Kelvos) I think we will become fast friends.
Auryna: (To Lesa) I am delighted we all met today. Do you happen to like roses?
Lesa: My Beloved would often give me roses to cheer me up. They were... are my favorite.
Kelvos: (Looking out of sorts) I... They were. Yes.
Auryna: That's just perfect. I... well, I just so happen to know this amazing fairy garden right outside of Elysia with the most stunning roses. And I might have a couple of extras, if you'd both like one.
Auryna: (Offers two roses to Kelvos) Would you please be so kind as to give one of them to this lovely young lady here? I really did intend to share.
Kelvos: (After a long contemplation, he turns to Lesa, to offer her the roses) I'm sorry.
Lesa: (She too turns to Kelvos with a warm smile which soon fades) I know. But. You've hurt a lot of people. Are you sorry to them, too?
Kelvos: This is the second time we've had this conversation. Do you remember?
Lesa: (Her smile returns) I do. It maybe isn't as distant a memory for me, as it is for you. But you didn't answer my question then. And you haven't answered it now.
Kelvos: I didn't answer your question then, because that was when you died.
Lesa: (Appears to be genuinely confused)
Kelvos: The conversation we had at the well. I heard the assassin's bolt and acted instinctively. Without thinking. The bolt was intended for me. Instead, my spell deflected it towards you.
Lesa: (Finally understanding) From my father.
Kelvos: I'm... sorry for that, too.
Lesa: You will release him, then?
Kelvos: (To Auryna) Is this why you brought us here? To spare the spirit of an old man?
Auryna: They say, my darling friend Kelvos, that a picture is worth a thousand words — and a true and right action in the face of all desire not to do the right thing, is worth ten thousand.
Auryna: If we are to truly reconcile the past, let us do that, with action, to demonstrate our true intentions. Not just for one soul, but for many.
Auryna: (Auryna flips a coin into the pool, and the specter of Flavius Stoll manifests) Hi, Mr. Stoll. Great to see you again.
Flavius: What the—... Oh. Hi, Kelvos.
Kelvos: (Glares at Flavius) YOU!
Lesa: (Frowns at Kelvos)
Auryna: Oh, right. Introductions. I forgot. Kelvos... this is Lesa's father, Flavius Stoll. Mr. Stoll... Kelvos. He's a good friend.
Kelvos: (To Flavius) THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Flavius: Yep.
Kelvos: YOU—... What?
Flavius: I sent the assassin, yeah. You knew that. You tortured it out of me, after all. You had a reputation, see. Bad gas travels fast in a small town. — I couldn't let you hurt my Lesa, the only bit of my wife I had left in this world. And she is my better in every way. But when she came to me and told me how you were changing, setting aside your selfish, playboy ways, I didn't believe it. And when she told me you proposed, I lost all sense I had left. — I should almost thank you, really. I've had a lot of time to think about what I did. I can say with the clarity that only a cursed existence as a restless spirit can bring: I was wrong. But the way you've acted since? It damn near proves me right. — And I can't tell you which is more frustrating. To know I lost the one person in this world I still had to live for, out of foolish pride? Or to see you ignore every lesson she tried to impart to you in life, and waste the opportunity you had to honor her memory properly?
Kelvos: (Looks at Auryna and Lesa, then offers Flavius' specter a hand. Flavius takes it.)
Kelvos: You're right. Sorry.
Flavius: (The moment Kelvos apologizes to Flavius, his spirit is released and returned to the Cycle.)
Lesa: (Smiles at Kelvos) It's a good start. (She turns to Auryna then) What do you think?
Auryna: (Eyes downcast) Oh... well. I think I'm quite mortal.
Lesa: (Smiles at Auryna) I know.
Auryna: But fen, it is a good start. I'm very proud of you both. For whatever that's worth.
Lesa: That is very sweet of you to say, my dear.
Auryna: It's scary to face the void of the past, particularly when it involves those you love. Terrifying, really. But the most important thing I've learned is that if you believe the other person has your best interests at heart, then... well. You can overcome a lot. Even a painful past.
Lesa: (To Kelvos) I think we have that. Don't you?
Kelvos: (Nods) What next?
Auryna: (Inaudible) I mean... if you're seriously asking me what to do... I recommend picking up dinner at Hearthfire and going for a really long walk along the beach? But that's a very mortal answer.
Mayina of Yeraiah: Yeraiah is keeping Lesa's spirit safe, and teaching her about goddesshood.
Auryna: Yes. Let a divine person answer that question. I just... draw runes and meddle.
Victor of Dagath: Dagath gives his blessing to walk the Cycle once more.
Marguerite of Mikon: Mikon gives his permission for a new goddess. But of what?
Lesa: (To Kelvos) What do you say we figure that out together?
Kelvos: I'd like that.
Kelvos' First Judgement After the Reconciliation
Lesa: Now, while you have us here, dear one. You may ask us one question each.
Auryna: A... question. (Turns to Kelvos) Would you please consider accepting the offer Delurion made to you some elvish years ago now? I know at the time he was as angry as when you two collided in the tempest. But I know he made the gifts with his whole being, even while he was at war with his Dark Hunter. And this, too, is noble.
Kelvos: I do not sense the mortal you speak of from here. He will need to step closer. I am, as you might guess, limited.
Kelvos: (As Delurion approaches, led by Auryna) Yes. I recognize you. You were Rosemary's husband. I remember her.
Delurion: Yes.
Kelvos: She's getting remarried soon. Quite a love triangle you three had going.
Delurion: A very strange one.
Kelvos: Rosemary doesn't remember you now. Does this hurt you, or comfort you?
Delurion: To be honest, both.
Kelvos: Good. (Turns to Auryna) You've remarried some... what was it... three? At once? (Then, to Delurion) Does this hurt or comfort you? It is telling that she would speak on your behalf.
Delurion: The reason for it hurts. A lot. That she found happiness, is a great comfort.
Kelvos: After today, go to my House up the road and pray. May you find comfort there.
Delurion: Thank you.
Auryna: (To Lesa) I would gift my question from you to Kelvos. For him to ask you a question he's always wanted to ask you, but never got the chance. Redeemable, in the future, when you're both ready. If that's okay with you.
Lesa: It's lovely. Thank you.
A Merry Conclusion
Auryna: (Inaudible) Dala, darling Dala, is this where, in a divine ritual, we all say "amen" or something?
Dala: Indeed, my dear.
Auryna: Then would you please, as would be so fitting, for you and Eneki to end things as you started them for us? (She indicates the ritual circles) I... forgot an "out" when I designed this.
Dala: Lord Mikon. We thank you for your aid to reconcile Kelvos and Lesa. May they walk in Balance on their path. They will be walking...
Eneki: ...a new path. It is now time they go and explore it in their respective home.
Kelvos: (Suddenly turns to Emma, even as he leaves Erik's body) What did you do?
Emma: I offered him some clarity, I hope.
Vanessa of Kelvos: (No longer embodying Lesa) That's not how I thought that would go at all.
Erik of Lesa: (No longer embodying Kelvos) Me neither. I think... I have a better understanding of Kelvos.
Vanessa: And I feel I have a better understanding of Lesa.
Dala: Balance is restored.
Auryna: (To Delurion) Always and forever, my darling Del. Now go! You have a seriously cute gal over there waiting on you.
Jax: Dru'El be praised.
Auryna: WHOOP!
Witnessed & recorded by Alaria C. Fryar, aidee to Sage Janur da Medican
(( Source: ))