Tyeduan Snow Monkey
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Creature Name: Tyeduan Snow Monkey
Observations by: Auryna 'AJ' Ak'hanrye ((PM: ambrosia))
Creature Type: Animal ((1751))
Creature Subtype: Other
CTS trainable: Not yet (under Team review).
The Tyeduan Snow Monkey is a terrestrial monkey species native to Tyedu. No other nonhuman primate lives in a colder climate.
Feeding Habits
For energy, the monkeys mostly seem to eat foods such nuts to store fat and grubs dug from under the tundra near the water source, as well as some of the fungi near the waterhole.
Disposition and Social Habits
The Tyeduan Snow Monkeys are very social creatures. They seem to enjoy group activities including bathing together in hot springs and rolling snowballs for fun. During feeding or moving, they often emit "coos". These most likely serve to keep the troop together and strengthen social relations.
The Tyeduan Snow Monkey was observed primarily at the edge of their subarctic forest in the mountainous areas of Tyedu.
Most compatible: Hawk
- Very intelligent species. Love to train tricks and can be quite mischievous.
Other notes
They seem to be able to learn advanced tricks from each other by observation. They will remember things they have seen for when they are ready to train on them after they have mastered any prerequisites and will pick up right where their observations taught them. Very smart creatures.