Yashenith Chuwl

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Yashenith Chuwl by Nawen Amakiir

Awoken from slumber
to see a face forgotten by time
remembered by love
she sits on my bed
comforts me and holds me
I feel as I haven't in hundreds of years

She grins and offers me a hand
no words are spoken but everything is said
with a clap of her hands' music appears
each circle the other
then comes to together with a laugh
as our feet take flight

Spinning and pirouette
sassy grins and flashy eyes
dips turn to giggles
as the candle flickers with the wind
they move to an unheard music

The candlelight starts to fade
as does the music
the dance doesn't stop
darting around the room
spinning and jumping figures
the last note is sounded

All fades into tender memory
and dreams take other forms
before they themselves slumber
and prepare from their calling
day drudges on yet the dance calls her
as she wishes for more