
As a nation, M'Chek is large, but not large enough. There is severe overcrowding, and in some places, starvation. Most of the inhabitants in this case are the humans who are native to the place. Other races from the outside come in occasionally, but usually only for religious or commercial reasons. They tend not to settle there very often, because it is so difficult to find someplace to settle.
The mainland area of M'Chek is dotted with hundreds of villages, each one full to the brim. Over the last fifty years, this population explosion has begun to take a toll on the environment in the area, leaving the once lush forests nearly bare in some places, and causing droughts in others.
The solution, as the government sees it, is to find more land for people to live on. The problem is there is no more land available, unless the citizens of M'Chek are allowed by other nations to live within their borders. Some deals have been worked out with the other major human power on the map, The Kurathene Empire. However, dealing with this entity is difficult because it is not really an empire any longer, but a collection of independent fiefdoms, many of which are at war. Still, some nobles of M'Chek have been able to secure settlement deals and even unions through marriage. But the number of places where this is happening is not large enough to even make a dent in the overall population of the country.
Where else can they go? The answer: North. M'Chek is the southernmost nation on the continent, and they are cornered into their niche by the elven nation of T'Nanshi. The land of T'Nanshi is pristine and beautiful, and by human standards, empty. Long ago, the humans beseeched the elves to let some of their families move there, but the elves refused, citing the M'Chekians' mistreatment of land they already live on. The elves did not want hordes of men and women coming to live on their land and potentially destroy it, or at least grow to outnumber the elves and destroy their nation through attrition.
This argument got uglier and uglier over time, and eventually in the present day, it has become a full-scale war. The M'Chekians have nothing to lose, and any gains they make into elven territory are celebrated joyfully. For the elves, it is a different story. They are not interested in making gains into M'Chek's territory. (Why would they wish to compress the already squished humans any further?) However, sometimes strategic conquests are needed to secure their holdings, and they have been known to take land from M'Chek. But for the most part they are interested in keeping the humans contained.
About fifty years ago, there was an odd occurrence where one of the evil gods attempted to break his way onto the Prime Material Plane and wreak havoc, but his plans were thwarted by a number of adventurers. One of them went on to found a holy order of warriors loyal to the god Mikon. They are known as the Equalizers.
The Equalizers fight for balance, and will go to wherever they are needed to right any extremes. They feel that the elves are misguided and should give up some of their lands to the severely taxed humans, so in the southern portion of the continent, they have thrown in their lot with M'Chek. Since that time they have taken over control of the M'Chekian Special Forces and begun to infiltrate the elven nation both on the front and behind enemy lines.
Some of the allies they have acquired are the fairy races of Titania. The fairies created by the goddess Titania are always in conflict with the fairy races of O'Ma, for reasons to be discussed elsewhere. In T'Nanshi there exists huge populations of both fairy types, constantly on the brink of plunging into another Fairy War.
The Equalizers have capitalized on this and promised that if the Titanian fairies aid the humans in their struggle against the elves, the Equalizers and the Nation of M'Chek will be sure to help the Titanians wipe out the O'Ma fairies once the war is over. Thus the battle rages on.
See also
Mikona (capital of M'Chek)