User talk:VoidHamlet
The truth will set you free but it will eviscerate you first.
--Sage Miriel of Visimontium
When the heart is known, is it enough?
--Sister Clemence of Aarilax
- A walk along Avlis memory lane:
--VoidHamlet 06:05, 29 March 2010 (CDT)
- Was ♥ a proud player of:
- Mother Day ± Lily of Illian ± Grace Ath'Hur ± Ooman Chatool (Faith Catheart) ± (Missing in action)
- † Belevren Graniteanvil ± † Elghinyrr Kelvos-Lorin Assa'rai Ko (Morain) ± (Deceased or ascended)
--VoidHamlet 10:44, 17 October 2013 (EDT)