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Whisper the Shade

- High Fury Templar, Champion of Ra-Ghul
- Native of the Tyedu
- Wielder of the Sword of Fury
- The Fury of Ra-Ghul, Leader of the Guild
- AKN, Master Alchemist
- AAAA, Quartermaster
Whisper's Tale
Origin (Foreword)
Whisper was born in the colds of the northern reaches of Tyedu in the clan Anekh-Sûn, clan of the winterwolf. This small but hardy clan was located in a vale amidst two huge mountain peaks, in the northernmost region of Tyedu where the tundra and glaciers pride the terrain with its fierce and massive beauty.
Originally named what only few know, his father called him Amon Thul, meaning Shadow of the wolf, possibly because of the yellow streaks in his blue eyes. His mother Irenga, a woman of rugged features had met his father Ner’filhim in the south on one of his many fares as a sailor, for the merchants of Tyedu and Kurathene. When she became pregnant she chose to embark on a ship to his homeland and live among his people. Though the clan did not welcome outsiders easily, suspicious and reclusive as they were. Irenga was not only struck by the cold of the lands, but as well by the cold of clan Anekh-Sûn.
Childhood in Tyedu
From an early age I was taken from my mother by the shamans of the clan, as was their custom: To be marked with my goals for my life to come. This among many of their customs was not something my mother accepted easily, and eventually she grew more and more distant to the people who she lived among. My father was a sailor and was rarely home, but when he was I was not treated like a baby boy, rather as a coming man. I remember the story he told about him throwing me into the wolfpen when I was almost 5 years old, just before the demise of our clan, to test both the strength of the Shamans' foresight, and that of my fate. As he told me several times, the wolves seemed to measure me as either enemy or kin, and one of the younger wolves attacked me: As to find out if I was worthy to be one of them. Already at that time my bad temper had been nourished well by both the shamans, and the hunters and warriors of the clan, and I fought the young wolf as if I was myself a beast. At some point, as father told me, I either by sheer ferociousness or pure luck tore into one of its eyes almost pulling it out of its socket. I slept among the wolves that night.
To make it brief, I believe that it was this night that the Shadow of my life came to me for the first time.
Half a year passed, and our clan knew little of the fate awaiting it. One cold morning in late autumn the frost giants came: In need of food and slaves. Our clan was their hapless victim. Many fought both fiercely and brave but the end was inevitable. My mother had no feeling of a special allegiance and was among the first who fled, with me at her side.
She embarked on the first ship towards the south, paying with pelts, and what I later came to find out, the services a woman could provide a captain of the ship.
Growing up in Mikona
Hence we came to Mikona’s Dock district, where she had grown up. And as if my childhood in the north had not been hard enough, there was much more to come here. Here I grew up even more alone, mocked by the other kids on the streets for the yellow streak in my blue eyes, and my tendency to go around in the shadowed part of the streets whispering to myself. I had the nickname Whisper from an early age, which became Whisper the Shade before I was ten. The Shadow of my dreams became my only companion, my mother supposedly worked as a lay healer for people in the Nobles district, but for some reason I knew that was not her only field of expertise. I hardly ever felt the love of a parent from then on and lived more in the streets, than in our home, where she was often busy with "curing" men’s "afflictions".
At first I spoke to the Shadow within, not it to me, and I felt comfort in that. But as I grew it became evident to me that it guided my step by minor signs and omens. Sometimes I ended up speaking to it for hours, or at least that's how I felt. What I knew not at the time was that this shadow was the reflection of my purpose in life. I often found my way around on my own, often ending in the shadows hiding, or in a fight for the scraps from the bakery or a coin from a bypassing citizen. I ended up in many a fight and I developed the physique of my father and heritage of Tyedu. I realized that in some ways I was superior to many others in a fight. But I was favourite prey for many of the boy gangs of the docks, and was overcome one day by a group of six or eight. I know not for sure, Shadowwalker knows better than I.
A Friend In Need
She was to become my only friend of my childhood. Tyedu Shadowwalker. Named after our homeland she must have known I was from Tyedu, somehow she must have known. But she never told me, or I never asked. At least, she saved me that day in the docks. She fought off the other boys while I was lying bleeding at the ground, and for the first time in my life I was in fact cared for with sincerity. She knew of a barn just outside town where we could stay undisturbed, and there she tended my wounds and she fed me with what she could find. Indeed this girl was both strong and with a certain glint in her eyes, that both intrigued and appeased me at the same time. We became really close friends from when I was 8 years old until I was 13. Then she suddenly vanished without a trace, and my heart darkened - I cursed everything that was living for I was sure someone had taken the life of my only friend. In the time I had known her my Shadow within had showed itself only vaguely, but now it came to me in full strength and seemed to guide me forward, striving for something.
The Lure of Angadar
One late night I found myself in the Temple district, looking through windows, not aware that I was being watched. It was he who would become my first living mentor: A priest and thief of Angadar's clergy. He was in one with the Shadows as he spoke to me with such conviction and subtlety, that I was awestruck completely. He eventually invited me to follow him to his church and there he intrigued me with the powers available within its ranks. So I became a follower of Angadar and thought I had found my true path.
The Shadow became more vague in its appearances and at first I believed it to be a good sign now that I had found my true path. But as the months passed by I felt more and more as an outsider in the Church. I was too much a loner they said. And my ways were too straightforward and brutal at times. I believed that I could fulfil many of the roles in the clergy but found to my amazement that I was to atone for my acts, rather than being rewarded for good service.
After many a fight with other acolytes of the church I fled.
Years of Search
First I took the boat to Ferrell to wander there and found the short stout ones to be unfailingly cheerful: A strange and somehow likeable lot.
I began to collect herbs for money to find a way of living and found my strength a great benefit there. And as well I was taught some of the basics in alchemy and herbalism. That was why I began to travel a lot: To Elysia and Le'Or T'Nanshi. I began to develop my skills of combat, to protect me against foul creatures while gathering. And slowly The Shadow began to appear again, to my great relief. I began to feel the impression that this was more the path it meant for me: The path of my Fury and wrath unleashed.
I felt great in battle, free of sorts. All the anger disappeared in sometimes mindless but very effective combat: And I began to use the divine powers I was able to draw upon to gain more edge in that frenzy like state. Though some of the ethos of Angadar still appealed to me, the general conducts of the Church were becoming more vague as time passed.
But it was not the impression of Angadar that filled my heart. It was something else. Something behind the Shadow. It's superior.
I felt like I had to find out what the Power was, and a new search began for me: To unleash what was within - my Fury and wrath, to my benefit in battle.
Discovering Ra-Ghul
I asked about where I came, first speaking subtle of a friend who needed to know, and then after a while I was lead to the Great Library in Mikona, well disguised as a man at arms. Dreams of cold and untamed battleragers let me to ask of this and I was told of the Tyedu and finally of Ra-Ghul.
And after reading just a few lines of this supremacy, I became aware that this was He. This was the one to whom I had to show my allegiance, and though some of the ethos of Angadar still appealed to me, there was no doubt that this was my true path.
It could not be otherwise. But how would I find His clergy, His Shamans? Few seemed to know that He even existed, and many frowned when I spoke of what He stood for. Since then I asked about for a guide to venture to the Tyedu and the Kurathene.
But as fate willed it, He came to me. He stood before me when I felt most torn asunder by doubts in my true path and destiny. At least in the guise of one of His Avatars he spoke to me. I felt broken and healed many times over in the presence of Him, whose willing servant I was to become. His name and cause in this world had to become known to the south. And I was to amass the furies and the spirited and freewilled souls, that sought His embrace. I found out that primal Fury is many things but sheer anger: That it is connected to many of our primal instincts. That of our survival instinct, our territorial instinct, and our hierarchial instinct as well. Fury is within all living beasts and beings. In some, though, it lies dormant, and in a rare few, never to be awoken.
Nevertheless I began my life's quest: That to become a Champion of Ra-Ghul. Devout servant of His cause. In this life and beyond, when I one day am to become a warrior amongst His petitioners in His Hall of the Great Feast in Ysgard.
Ra-Ghul's Fury will reign!