Exquisitely beautiful even by half-nymph standards, Diabolina possesses midnight eyes, a light gray skin, and raven hair so dark that it almost glows black. She possesses a thick "deep woods" Jechranian accent which harks back to the ancient nature spirits, and is clearly most comfortable making as little compromise as possible for human standards of dress.
Her manners, while pleasant especially for men, are wild and unpredictable. At times, for no apparent reason, she is overcome with murderous rage, to be instantly replaced with intense sweetness, as if two entirely different personalities war within her.
Diabolina has just arrived in Elysia from the deep wilds of Jechran. Little else is known about her at the moment.
OOC Game Engine Information
Follow these instructions to see Diabolina's portrait in game.
Right-click on the portrait above, and save Diabolina.jpg as a file in your local portraits directory.
Start Neverwinter Nights, but do _not_ go into multiplayer mode. Instead, start a new game or load an existing one.
Hit the tilde key "~" to start the console.
Type "ConvertPortrait diabolina" and hit a return.