Vital Statistics
Name: Ni'arthin
Race: Avariel
Height: 5ft. 6in.
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Build: Sleek, toned, and gracful
Skin tone: Fair complection
Feather Color: Natrual Black Feathers
Ni'arthin appears to be in the prime of his life. As one of the longer lived races of Avlis, his age is hard to determine, but he freely admits to being in his 200's. His youthful appearance is seen in his choice of wardrobe, with is "modern" and conservative. He prefers loose fitting clothes, than anything that bunches up or billowy, which is a stark contrast to him being in a Trust Order, and his robes marking him a member of the Blue Order of the Sky.
Ni'arthin is most situations has an open, and friendly personality. He tries to see both sides of the story, before making any major judgements in his life.
When it comes to Magic, he is very disciplined in its study, and use. It is this discipline that brought him to the Blue Order of the Sky, for that order, and him, share the same philosophy when it comes to magic.
On Arcane Archery, he seeks to become second to none in its use. He currently is researching the subject, and plans to publish his findings once he finishes research.
A Day in the Life of
Research Material
Arcane Archer Primer - His work on Arcane Archery.