Guild:Healers of Cha'reth

History of Healers of Cha'reth
The Healers of Cha'reth have become a fairly well-known, and have had a lot of impact on the world of Avlis. Recent events include helping end the Second Fey War, negotiating the Drotid Armistice, participating in negotiating the peace treaty for the T'Nanshi-M'Chek War[1], and healing the Avariel race.
[ PEACE!!!
first meeting]
Key Members
Current Guildleader: Wyrmwing
Current officer: tygermoon
Guild Information
===Alignment:=== Any good
===Base of operations:=== Currently mostly Elysia, T'Nanshi, Visimontium, but hopefully expanding to encompass the whole of Avlis.
===How to contact us:=== Leave a message at any of the Temples or shrines (PM any of the active members), or post a message on the ic forums/noticeboards.. one of us should probably respond in a while. There is a Temple in Zvidureth, in T'Nanshi, and in Visimontium. Shrines are found in T'Nanshi, Le'Or and Elysia. Hospitals are available in Elysia, Fourtree, and hospitals are due to be erected in Visimontium (and rebuilt) in the Protectorate of Blandenberg.
===What we do:=== Spread the ideals of Cha'reth: Trying to bring any conflicts to a peaceful end, and healing everyone that is in need of it. And have a lot of friendly fun together of course. For more information, look at the section on Cha'reth.
===What to expect:=== A group that is more a family, where everyone is equal. We have become a fairly well-known guild, and have had a lot of impact on the world of Avlis. Recent events include helping end the Second Fey War, negotiating the Drotid Armistice, participating in negotiating the peace treaty for the T'Nanshi-M'Chek War[2], and healing the Avariel race.
The group is made up entirely of those that follow or worship Cha'reth. Most are healers, but it is not really a requirement. All walks of life are welcomed, for they can all contribute to peace. Everyone will be more than happy to help you with whatever it is you need help with.
The healers generally talk more than they fight. So if you prefer friendly conversation in an effort to further your cause instead of running around and killing stuff, then this may be the place for you