PC Statistics
Ability Score Adjustments: -1 Str -1 Con
Size Category:
- Small - As a Small creature, Kobolds gain a +1 to AC and a +1 to Attack, as well as a -4 to Grapple checks (Bigby's Grasping Hand and Knockdown attempts). This modifier stacks with all other modifiers and does not count towards any caps. (This modifier is not shown on the character sheet.)
Favored Class: Barbarian
Character Creation
- As of 2023, Kobold PCs use a dynamic appearance model. If you have an older Kobold in your PC vault and want to convert it from static to dynamic appearance, please open a Team Request.
- Colors are best adjusted using the Tweaker UI (New Character Staging area).
- Scale/tail/horn colors are set via the SKIN color slot.
- (unless you select a head with black horns, those don't inherit the skin color)
- When you change the skin color for a kobold, you won't see their tail color change until you relog.
- Eye color is set by changing the HAIR color.
- Tattoo colors are set via TATTOO color 1 and 2.

Kobolds are small reptillian humanoids, thought to be dangerous only in great numbers. While Kobolds are often considered little more than a nuisance, an unchecked population can often balloon into a serious threat to normally civilized areas. On Avlis, kobolds are often the slave labor for lizard man societies, though they do occasionally make small settlements of their own in humid jungle areas. Despite the tendancy for shaahesk and other civilized races to see them as vermin or second-class lifeforms, kobolds are known to have their own ideals and aspirations for advancement to the same degree as all other civilized races.
Because of their small size and constant threats endured during daily life, kobolds tend to be very cautious. In extreme cases, this caution can border on the paranoia and hyperactivity seen in some smaller non-sentient reptile species that occupy a spot in the middle of the food chain. On the other extreme end, a kobold can develop a defense mechanism of insane fierceness and rudeness, most often seen in small dogs who are constantly beset by larger breeds. Personality traits such as these usually manifest most clearly when kobolds are in the presence of other species, such as shaahesk. When among their own kind, they tone down their energetic alertness and shift more into a primal system of social interaction. Male kobolds view females as mating partners, and they have a complex system of hand and body signals used to entice their mates. Females who respond favorably will wind up laying a clutch of up to four to six eggs that will hatch in three months' time. Needless to say, this happens a lot. Kobolds breed at an astonishing rate, and they grow to maturity in only twelve years. Among their own gender, male and female kobolds will form cooperative clicks that have necessary advantages in hunting survival and safety in numbers. There seems to be no particular pecking order in these systems, until a female is spotted and some fighting breaks out. These fights rarely end in the death of another kobold, but accidents have been known to happen. Most often, the beaten males will give in and try again for the next female that comes along.
Physical Description
Kobolds are reptilian creatures standing at most 2 1/2 feet tall, with scales ranging in color from slate grey, to black, as well as certain shades of greens and browns. Their belly scales are usually a slightly lighter shade than those on their backs and limbs. Kobold jaws are fairly wide, and they house a fork-shaped tongue and tiny sharp teeth capable of ripping into meat with practiced ease. Eye colors are usuall red or yellow, though greens are also seen.
Kobold limbs are skinny, yet toned and able to respond to danger with quick reactions and reflexes that are much faster than normal humanoids. They are not known for their great physical strength, though they can be fast in an uncontrolled panicky fashion when needed.
Clothing is not a necessity for kobolds. They will wear armor when needed in battle, and they will decorate themselves with trinkets and trophies of victorious battles, but for the most part, they do not feel the need to dress.
Among the shaahesk, kobolds are seen as second-class citizens. This is a step above the way the shaahesk are known to treat other races, and it is largely due to the fact that both kobolds and shaahesk are reptiles. Elsewhere, kobolds are not really well-liked. They will be tolerated in small numbers, but too many stories exist of large numbers of kobolds breeding in an area and either eating everything in site or trying to make raids on unwary travelers to steal food and money. The fact that most races know about their propensity for breeding does not increase the tolerance of single individuals by much, but as long as small a group of kobolds is only seen to be of one gender, the panic levels are low.
Kobold clicks have varying relations. Sometimes when females are scarce, male clicks will fight for control of a territory where the females are based. This territory can take the form of a city block, a patch of swamp, or even a fortress. These battles can be bloody, but when they are finished, the click will reform and start turning inward on itself in less lethal fighting for mating rights. When females are plentiful, male kobolds seem unconcerned with rivalry, and will generally exist together fairly peacefully.
Kobolds tend strongly towards neutral evil. Individual kobolds see their own personal gain as being the top goal in life. Usually that gain entails breeding rights and wealth. If forced to work with others, a kobold will do so. They will also adopt principles of safety in numbers, but once the usefulness of the group has passed, they will often turn again towards their own pleasures.
Kobold Lands
Most kobolds exist in the jungles and swamps of Drotid, though they do not rule this country. No country in particular is controlled only or partially by kobolds, though they may envision such a place in the future. Mainly, kobolds have not succeeded in gaining a foothold in any permanent sense because of their fragility and inability to fight in a widely organized fashion. Thus, they are often content to exist in the shadow of the shaahesk of Drotid, and sometimes try to form breeding colonies in other places for as long as they can go undetected.
Kobolds mainly venerate the god Aarilax, because his principles are similar to their own, though it is not certain whether Aarilax created these creatures or only played a role in their birth as a race. Kobolds who worship Aarilax tend to construct elaborate rituals in his honor, which often involve reptilian orgy free-for-alls as part of the experience. At these times, the rivalry for female mating rights usually disappears in the fray.
Kobolds once had their own language, but during their close proximity to the shaahesk, they have adopted many words from their language. It is rare to find kobolds that speak the pure form of their tongue. Most speak a corrupt mix. Kobolds who travel abroad will usually pick up the common tongue if they must, though it is difficult for them to pronounce.
Kobolds only have first names that are given at birth. Specifically, kobold first names are similar to those of the shaahesk as far as hisses, chirps, and general pronunciation go. A few will adopt false, and sometimes humorous titles based on deeds that they have accomplished, or think they have accomplished.
Kobolds who leave their groups usually do so as escaped slaves or for some other reason to run away from the shaahesk. Most of the time, the shaahesk will not put much effort into retrieving a kobold, unless they happen to see it pass by, but kobolds who escape usually do not realize this because they alott themselves more importance than the shaahesk do. Consequently, they will live their lives as refugees, fleeing an enemy who really does not care.