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Name: Lily
  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 130
  • Deity: Unknown
  • Origin: Deglos
  • Place of Residence: Mikona

Affiliations and Titles:Research Interests
  • Enchantment
  • Evocation
  • Demonology

An delicate Elf in her mid-years, exhibiting a visage of ashen skin and starry hair, she scrutinizes all in her sight with orbs carved of the ice, and just as cold, while able lips lay under a pip of a nose, unmoving. Seductive draperies of black envelop her torso and cascade about her waist, embellished with only the finest laces and jewelry in feminine accoutrement. The entirety of her being, as one distant, well versed- she is perhaps not as wintry as she aspects to be.

Personality and Demeanor
As an affluent sorceress, Lily expresses herself easily with grace and command. Her attitude can be very detached, like someone caught in a tide away from the shore, and her manner of speech is often suffused by a vague and even languid tone, with comments ranging from sincere good intentions to lighten the mood or downright apathy and malice. She is easily impatient and dislikes idle conversation or indecisiveness, and is even more easily doomed to haughtiness, but it is obvious she deploys her own brand of charm and humor when opportunities arise.

It seems not even she remembers much about her own past, but it is known Lily was raised in Deglos, lived on the plane of Ysgard for some time, and now returns to her roots with as-yet unforeseeable goals.