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Creature Name: Raven
Observations by: Deider of Pelar
Creature Type: Animal ((145))
Creature Subtype: Bird
CTS trainable: Yes (compatible with CTS).
Ravens are medium-sized birds, smaller than predatory birds such as falcons and eagles but larger than small birds like the Elysian dart swallow or meadowlark. They are easily recognized by their glossy black feathers and dark (often referred to as “beady”) eyes. Ravens are thought to be pests by many, and due to their dark appearance, their intelligence, and their willingness to live near humanoids, they are often associated with ill omens and dark forces.
Feeding Habits
Ravens are omnivores, and will eat almost anything, including carrion, insects, cereal grains, berries, fruit, small animals, the eggs of other birds, and food waste. Ravens are known to hide food for later consumption. It is this willingness to consume a wide variety of things that has allowed them to expand across all of Negaria. It is also why they are commonly found near humanoid settlements, in order to gain access to those settlements’ food wastes, grain crops, and small animals such as mice that are attracted to the same. This flocking to humanoid settlements has given them a reputation as pests.
Disposition and Social Habits
Ravens will often group together into flocks. They can also be found in mated pairs, which mate for life. Ravens are highly vocal; in addition to their own calls, which are many compared to other birds, they can mimic the cries of other birds and even other animals. Ravens have been seen mimicking wolf sounds in order to call them to a corpse so they will open it up, allowing the ravens to feed on the remains later. Ravens will also taunt other animals by mimicking them.
It is unknown where ravens originated, but they have spread across Negaria and can be found almost anywhere on the continent. In the wild, they seem to prefer wooded areas with large expanses of open land nearby. They often flock to humanoid settlements due to the easy access of food sources there.
Most compatible: Hawk
- Ravens, like hawks, are a type of bird, though much smaller.
Other notes
Ravens are highly intelligent; they have been known to use tools without training or instruction. They are also willing to be trained, making them a common familiar for many wizards and sorcerers. They have also been used as mounts by fey Champions of O'Ma.
A raven is the namesake and symbol of the infamous Mikonan thieves’ guild of the same name.
Ravens are thought by some to have been the inspiration for whatever mad deity or archmage created the kenku.
((OOC: for a special attack/trick, ravens could get the attack that high level raven familiars get, or perhaps they could use Taunt.))