Equaloria Keep and Dunster Commons
Dunster Commons is the town that surrounds Equaloria Keep, the largest training grounds for Equalizers. Their order was founded by a M'Chekian noble by the name of Lord Nimonay Dunster. His descendent, Lord Dunster III, watches over the Keep to this day.
In the year of ((IG Year to be added)) Equaloria Keep was attacked by a horde of Pyrite Dragons. During the attack, many defenders lost their lives, and Equaloria Keep itself was reduced to rubble.
Rebuilding works have commenced and with the aid of donations and support from many guilds and various representatives from countries throught Avlis, Equaloria Keep will rise again.
In the interim, Lord Dunster arranged, in consultation with the Blandenberg Protectorate High Administrators, for a new Equalizer Training Centre to be built within Fort Taunton as part of the "Unified Training Grounds and Patrol Headquarters".
This training centre now serves as the main training grounds for Equalizers, although there are smaller centres throughout Avlis.