Equalizer Training Centre
Under Construction
Due to the destruction of Equaloria Keep by the Pyrite Dragon Horde, a new Equalizer Training Centre was built in Fort Taunton inside the Blandenberg Protectorate.
As Fort Taunton was already being re-constructed to provide The Protectorate with a Patrol Headquarters for the Avengers & Equalizers stationed there for defence, Lord Dunster consulted with the Blandenberg High Administrators, and arranged for the Equalizer Training Centre and Equalorian Battle Mage Tower to be built at the same time.
While the new Training Centre can never replace the original that was destroyed at Equaloria, it still serves as a valuable foundation in the training of new Holy Warriors, and also as a solid resource in the defense of the Blandenberg Protectorate.
The Equalizer Training Centre is composed of several areas:
- The Combat Training area: Located on the lower ground floor, Equalizers and Trainees alike use this area to train in all aspects of physical combat. This area also contains an in-house Blacksmith who tends to the training weapons and also makes and repairs the Equalizer's arms and armour.
- The Briefing Room: Located on the ground floor, this room is used for academic study as well as for conducting briefings in times of crisis.
- The Library: Located on the ground floor, this room houses vast amounts of parchments, tomes, books and maps containing information on everything deemed to be relevant to the Equalizers effectively doing their work throughout Avlis. Lord Dunster can usually be found in this room conducting research and filing training reports.
- Equalizer Barracks: Located on the first floor, Equalizers and Trainees not on duty in the Protectorate stay here in their "home away from home."
Hall of Heroes

The Hall of Heroes is located inside the Equalizer training centre, on the main floor.
It serves as a Temple of Mikon and also contains two smaller shrines, one on each side of the hall, dedecated to the memory of those that lost their lives in the Pyrite Dragon attacks on Equaloria (right side) and the Evrakian Cultist attacks on the Protectorate (left side).
The Hall itself is a very special place for Equalizers, as it is where they take their holy vows and are Knighted as Equalizers at completion of their training.
Several of the statues within the Hall of Heroes were recovered from the rubble of the original Hall of Heroes in the recently destroyed Equaloria Keep.
The Hall is tended by High Cleric Dandert Kelten and Cleric Orasal Waynolt of Mikon.
These two priests are charged with bring the moral compass for the Equalizers, Aiding them in their daily lives, and providing counsel where required in their battles and personal lives.