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Name: Evelynn Rift
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Hometown: Visimontium
Class: Psi-mage
Familiar: Maya
Known guild affiliations: Luminous Order of the Mind (apprentice)
Known current dwelling place (and contact): Luminous Order of the Mind, Mikona (Leave a message)
Most active in: Evelynn now resides in Mikona and is usually found wandering either in the marketplace or outside Kero's. She is anyway often seen traveling using the portal in the marketplace, either to go back home in Visimontium or to one of the other places that offers portal services.
Eve is a young girl with red hair and beautiful light purple eyes. Apart from her strange colored eyes, anyway, Evelynn is a rather common looking girl: she's not beautiful nor ugly, of average height and not excessively slim. She really isn't one people remembers for her look, for good or bad.
Eve usually wears nice dresses and, since when Latanya gave it to her, a cloak adorned with a web pattern. Clashing with her eyes and hair, she usually wears black and dark blue outfits. At her side she always keeps a shoulder bag, in which she keeps most of her treasured things, including her grimoire: for that very reason, she never leaves the bag around, and checks it regularly.
Known facts
The following sections are about the known facts about Evelynn: her past (the early days in Visimontium) and what happened to her since when she left home. While Eve herself will tell others about those things, not everyone knows about them in detail, or at all. (It is then up to you to decide how much your character knows of these events.)
Early days in Visimontium
Evelynn was born and raised in Visimontium. Always submissive of nature, she followed her parents' advice about pretty much everything and after having received the proper education, she ended up studying magic from her father, despite her little interest in the matter. Her training left her in fact little time to play as she was used to, as she had to study, practice and help in her parents' shop of miscellanea, dealing in trinkets of all kinds, most of which of no importance at all.
With time, however, her interest in the arcane awakened and started to grow: after the first few boring months, in fact, she finally started to apply what she learned, starting to practice with simple cantrips. Under her father's tutelage, she focused on the school of Evocation, despite not devoting herself to it entirely, and furthered her studies about artifacts and magical trinkets. In a few years, she managed to reach his father's abilities in the arcane: her skills grew steadily, as did the size of her grimoire, filled with all sorts of simple spells. Unfortunately, this also coincided with the first assaults of the Illithid on Visimontium..
Thanks to the position of their shop and home, away from the Trust District, Evelynn and her parents managed to survive unhurt, even if fear was now a constant of their lives. Both scared and fascinated by what the Illithid could do, Eve stopped going out of her room at all, focusing her attention on books about abjuration and enchantment: at this point, she had already surpassed her father's abilities, while not in terms of number and power of spells (she was, after all, able to access the First Circle only), at least in terms of knowledge about schools and quickness of mind.
As the Illithids continued their attacks, Eve grew more and more uneasy, up to the point when she couldn't bear living in fear anymore: she then decided to start traveling south. Other than looking for teachers to further her knowledge in the Arcane Arts, Evelynn was also interested in psionic abilities: both the Illithid and the members of the Luminous Order of the Mind opened her eyes on a world of endless possibilities. Having set her goals as such, she decided to settle for Mikona, having heard the Order had its tower there.
About Mikona and its pond
Upon arriving in Mikona after a really short travel - no more than a step inside a portal, thanks to her parents' money, and because of their apprehension for the dangers of the road - Evelynn could do nothing but wonder looking around herself. Having lived all her life so far in Visimontium, Mikona felt so different to her: knowing nothing about the new city and with just a few coins in her purse, she quickly decided to look around for work and directions. And indeed, the marketplace was the best place where to find both.
An hour after her arrival in the new city, she already managed to get a map and, carefully following it, managed to take care of some deliveries. For the most part they were quick jobs, nothing like what she envisioned her doing in her quest to further the knowledge of the arcane, or to start her training as a psionicist with the Luminous Order. Still, she needed money, and it would've been foolish to turn down those offers. At the end of her first day, she found herself with a detailed knowledge of most districts of the city, and enough money to pay for an inn - and despite the cost, she chose the Noble Flair Inn, for position and the clean rooms.
With Khali - her loyal hell hound familiar - at her side and strong of her evocation spells, she accepted her first dangerous work while speaking with the alchemist's son, Xerto, and went hunting for some beetles in the sewers. Little she knew of the size of these creatures, and she found herself fighting a harder battle than she first thought: thanks to both her spells and Khali's support, however, she managed to walk away victorious and with the beetle bellies secured in a bag. Xerto rewarded her with a stock of fire potions, which allowed her - given their high value - to actually slow down her delivery service and focus on her studies again. She however didn't stop accepting other easy jobs..
It was the day after, on her way to deliver a note in the marketplace, when miss Daavysplatz and her penguin greeted her: miss Daavysplatz introduced herself as a fashion and tailor extraordinaire, and without hesitation went on to explain the two reasons she approached Evelynn. As the first thing, she criticized - and well within reason - Evelynn's clothes, saying those didn't fit her; and, that she could amend to that in return for a most peculiar favor. Daavysplatz told in fact Evelynn that a shark had been summoned through a planar rift in the pond outside Mikona, and that she sought its skin to create a most fabulous dress: thanks to the planar travel, according to Daavysplatz, the shark skin had in fact gained rare properties. Eve, doubtful at first because of a lack of ideas on how to fish that shark, accepted when Daavysplatz offered her a potion to breath under the water and a few other potions to help with the fight. Not having ever used a weapon, aside from a scalpel - and always on corpses, anyway - Eve walked slowly to the pond, wondering what the best course of action could be. Asking help to Khali was out of question, so Eve decided to try her new summoning spell and opted to call for a well-known swimmer, a fiendish rat.
Drinking the potion to breath under the water summoned an air elemental and, with it at her side, Evelynn immersed herself in the pond: breathing the air the elemental created she had no troubles in exploring the bottom of the pond, finding a number of magically enhanced trinkets, and finally in spotting the shark. Quickly, she called for a rat and let him engage with the shark, helping him with disabling spells: it was in fact impossible for her to use a large number of her favored ones underwater. Distracted by the spells Eve used on him the shark, most likely weakened by the planar travel, finally fell to the rat's bites. Dismissed the conjured filthy creature, Eve proceeded to skin the shark and finally managed to get out of the pond. Wet but happy she made her way to the marketplace, Khali at her side in order to keep her warm: loyal to her word, Daavysplatz then took the shark skin and gifted Evelynn of an expensive and finely crafted dress. Before parting ways, Daavysplatz also decided to let Eve know what she knew about how the shark ended up in the pond: it seemed a Red Wizard summoned him but, probably failing part of the ritual, ended up drowning in the same pond where the shark appeared; the staff and rods Eve found were the Red Mage's ones.
About new acquaintances and the western crypts in Mikona
Content with her new outfit and items, and having managed to amass what was a noticeable amount of wealth, Eve started to accept fewer works and instead decided to dedicate more time studying wizardry. While shopping for arcane scrolls to transcribe on her grimoire and study, though, she had her first meeting with a mage of the Trust: Magus Robert Wallace of the Ashen Order of the Stars happened to notice both her and another man in the market. Addressing first the man, the priest of Mikon Keller McCallen - who then Eve befriended, and with whom seems to be at ease while talking - Magus Wallace expressed interest in both of them, one for the church, the other because of the arcane studies. Left with a thousand gold each and a request to write a letter to Magus Wallace, Evelynn and Keller decided to further their reciprocal knowledge by fighting side by side, even if not before having shared a nice time chatting. On their way to the city gates, they found their path blocked by an axe wielding gnoll: after a rather troublesome meeting, as Eve got scared and words were spoken, the gnoll introduced himself as Gurkz, protector of Zvidureth and traveler, and seemed to be extremely friendly. The group of three then wandered outside the city, looking for places to see and gold to be earned..
A few days after having met her two new friends and strong of her newly reached mastery of the Second Circle arcane spells, Eve decided to try and explore the crypts on her own. Luckily for her, the unwise plan got modified as soon as she met, on her way to the western village outside Mikona, Flake Xilow and Rudash Amur: both well versed in the unarmed martial arts, they decided to join Evelynn to explore those dead rooms. What they found, though, was much more than they first expected..
Undead creatures were crawling on the crypt's floors idly, turning their attention to the living as they stepped inside: longing to extinguish the flame of life, zombies and skeletons assaulted the three. ((To be continued))
About cryomancers and cold experiments
About an hag and her hobgoblin stew
About the Luminous Order of the Mind, Visimontium and the Illithids
About a Dragon and the goblin tribes
About Verossan faithful and the dangers of traveling in the wilds
About planar rifts and the Hills of Tumult
About a troublesome delivery
About the undead and a shaahesk necromancer