AAA = Academy of the Advanced Arcane
AAAA = Avlis Arms & Armour Association
ACE = Avlis Carpentry Enterprises (guild)
AFAIK = as far as I know
AFK = away from keyboard
AKN = Guild for Advancement of Knowledge in Nature
AoMM = Academy of Mortal Magic
ASK = Avlis Side Kick
AT = Area Transition
ATU = Avlis Tower University
CCC = Creation Control Centre
CE = Chaotic Evil
CG = Chaotic Good
CN = Chaotic Neutral
CODI = City of Doors Initiative
CoPaP = Confederation of Planes & Planets
CRPG = computer roleplaying game
CvC = character versus character (see also: Rules)
CvE = character versus environment
DnD = Dungeons and Dragons (also D&D)
ECL = effective character level
ELC = enforce legal characters
FEAT = Ferrell Exploration And Adventuring Troupe
FOIG = Find Out In Game (May also refer to FOIG, Inc.)
FoM = The Forest of Midnight
HEAL = Hazardous Environment, Alchemical Laboratory (A likely reference to the HEAL store chain)
HoTU = Hordes of The Underdark
IC = in character
IG = In Game
IIRC = if I recall correctly
ILR = item level restrictions
IMHO = in my honest opinion, in my humble opinion
IMO = in my opinion
IRC = Internet Relay Chat
LE = Lawful Evil
LG = Lawful Good
LN = Lawful Neutral
LRC = The Lost River Caverns
MC = Module Coordinator
MMORPG = massive multiplayer online roleplaying game
NE = Neutral Evil
NG = Neutral Good
NPC = non-player character
NWN = Neverwinter Nights
NWNX = Neverwinter Nights Extender
OOC = out of character
OoG = Order of Gorethar
OoO = Order of O'Ma
OotD = Order of the Dragon
OoV = Order of Valok
PC = player character
PH = player housing
PJ = PlasmaJohn
PM = private message
PnP = Pen and Paper
PrC = prestige class
PvP = player versus player (see also: Rules)
PW = persistent world
QA = Quality Assurance, the people making sure that all the content added for the Avlis servers is bug-free before it is added.
RPotM = Role Player of the Month
SoT = Sword of Toran (Guild)
SoU = Shadows of Undrentide expansion pack
TN = True Neutral
TPK = Total Party Kill (it happens)
TTL = Trying To Lubricate
TTYL = Talk To You Later
XP = Experience point(s)