PCs:Nyla Greenfoot
Nyla Greenfoot is a halfling ranger often seen in Ferrell and T'Nanshi playing with small woodland animals.
Appearance and personality

She will most often bee seen holding onto a beautifully crafted shortbow, given to her by Eleanor of the Warrior Maidens. She also has a shortsword and dagger, forged to match especially for her by Davilia Chert.
All sorts of animals are likely to be lingering around her as well, but most likely they will be ferrets, raccoons, or badgers. She can be seen playing with a ferret most often, who goes by the name of Rascal.Early life

She has an older sister, Marla, who they have not seen in years. Her parents will not speak of what happened, so Nyla is left to the stories of her brother, Lorn. He says she was killed by beasts in the woods. Nyla somehow doubts that, since most of the animals she has seen seem perfectly happy to co-exist with her. Nyla spent a great deal of her earliest childhood playing near the edge of the woods by their home. Here she met raccoons, badgers, ferrets, and weasels, all more than happy to become her friend. Since she was essentially cut off from the rest of the known world, and other children, these became her playmates, much to her parent's dismay. On occasion they would somehow find themselves inside the house, the barn, and occasionally inside stores and shops when Nyla would go to town with her parents.
Some notable experiences she has recently had:
She met Miss Eleanor, of the Warrior Maidens. Eleanor has had a profound effect on Nyla, showing her the ways of Dre'ana, and her followers. Nyla had heard of the Maidens from her sister Marla when she was very young and has always had a curiosity and a desire to become on someday. At the recent Ferrell Trade Fair, Eleanor procured the beautiful bow Nyla can be seen wielding, that is never out of reach of her hands.
Nyla also had the opportunity to meet Telenial, an animal trainer during a class. Miss Tel as she calls her has become the official Teacher to Nyla of all things animal. Tel is not the only teacher however, she has also learned from Bella, Nero, Hush, and Eowien. They can all be seen sometimes deep in the forest training animals together.
Most recently, Nyla became an Initiate to the Warrior Maidens of Dre'ana. She can be seen proudly displaying her purples and golds, Her colors, and training alongside other Maidens. She has also started training larger animals, namely a white tiger named Enya, and a Kirre, named Kara.
Known Associates
Nyla's best friend:
Enya and Kara - A White Tiger and a Kirre she is learning tricks from.
Nyla is often found in the company of the following:
Rain Merstin
Nina Lane